Understanding What is Inside Sales in 2020


Over the past few years, inside sales has become the most popular sales model for reps in tech, SaaS, B2B, and other B2C industries. This is because it refers to any sales that is handled remotely. This model also often involves transactions through the phone or emails, among other things. Another thing is that inside sales differ from telemarketing because it includes the use of more advanced communication technology.

If you still don’t understand what is inside sales, consider what Harvard Business Review stated: “Inside sales has muscled its way into serving larger customers with complex needs. Also, inside salespeople, who once performed only simple tasks (generating leads, getting renewals) are doing more complex steps, including assessing customer needs, crafting solutions, and closing sales.”

The Changes that it Has Undergone this 2020

Before, there was a clear difference between remote or inside sales and field sales. The lines are starting to become a blur, and even sales reps that make on-premises sales now handle some of their businesses remotely. They use tools that are the same with inside reps, such as sales dialers or CRM. This has also become more emphasized because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the sales reps have migrated to the remote model.

Inside sales have also come a long way. Based on recent reports, inside sales are outpacing the more traditional ones with a ratio of 15:1. This is because a lot of field reps nowadays are closing deals within the confines of their offices. And with some corporations moving away from traditional working hours, inside sales reps are closing deals using their mobile devices. With such advances in technology, the inside sales model has produced a lot more leads because of better contextual prospect data and information.

Why Choose Inside Sales


Learning what is inside sales will make you understand why it is a better model than outside sales. One of the reasons would be that outside sales calls often cost more than six times higher than inside sales calls. Moreover, even without the benefits of dialing technology, inside sales reps can obtain more leads.

Customer Preference

Based on the Sales Benchmark Index, 70% of customers do not prefer in-person meetings. This is because most decision-makers often want to do business remotely. According to DiscoverOrg, in a poll, 78% of decision-makers agreed that they have taken appointments or attended events because of an email, cold calls, and other methods.

Better Productivity

When you go to the market, you can see new sales acceleration tools. Through these innovative sales technologies, inside sales teams have more advantages when it comes to converting leads into customers. They can send more emails and dial more leads to better conversations. As seen by the Bridge Group study, there is a direct correlation between the quota and the number of conversations inside sales reps have. Thus, technologies and software that can help inside sales reps connect with more leads are an advantage against other models.  By knowing what inside sales is, this might be the time for you to shift the model that you are following. Remote working has now been fastly becoming popular, and maybe this is the right time for you to rethink and improve your business strategies.