Dispute resolution refers to various processes that can be applied to resolve disputes and conflicts. Dispute resolution processes are ways to resolve conflicts without going to court. Dispute resolution can be used to solve various altercations in families, housing, neighborhood, business, personal injury, employment, consumer, housing, and environmental disputes.
Most people prefer dispute resolution rather than going to court because of its many benefits. Dispute resolution in the UAE is cheaper compared to the lengthy and expensive legal process. Various processes can be used to help the parties involved to reach an understanding about their conflict. Dispute resolution processes are informal ways of settling conflicts and they have and flexible rules.
Types of Disputes
The court deals with 2 types of disputes: civil and criminal cases. These disputes are dealt with in various ways and different approaches and procedures are applied. Criminal cases involve an offender being prosecuted by a prosecuting agency for breaking the law.
Civil cases, on the other hand, involve disputes between people/organizations and the government about the liabilities or rights of the parties involved. A civil case is usually between one party seeking some type of remedy from the other to resolve their dispute.
Top 10 Dispute Resolution Skills

Dispute resolution can be challenging and sometimes people don’t come to an agreement. The following dispute resolution skills are crucial to settle various disputes;
#1 Be a Listener
One of the most successful dispute resolution skills is listening. Hiring professionals from a law firm in Dubai helps you to avoid interrupting the other party and defending yourself. Instead, you should ask questions with the intention of getting to the core issues affecting the other party. Also, repeat what the other party says to confirm that you got the right details.
#2 Table Several Issues
Most parties involved in disputes often talk about a single issue. The best way to settle a dispute is by bringing various issues into the argument. This gives you multiple ways to make concessions and tradeoffs on your conflicting interests. You can also try to bring several proposals that favor you and the other party.
#3 Mutual Brainstorming
Unlike what most people think, resolving a dispute does not mean that one party has to be at a loss. Both parties can benefit from this process. You can lessen the strife by presenting your dispute resolution in a way that both parties benefit from the outcome. Your representative from a law firm in Dubai can also negotiate on your behalf.
#4 No Power Plays
Sometimes, people in disputes try to challenge the other party’s power, skills, and experience to get the upper hand or feel superior. Recognize when this happens to avoid falling for such gimmicks. Let the other party know you recognize their ploy and turn the conversation back to the matter at hand.
#5 Compromise
This method of settling disputes is better compared to when only one team wins. Although it’s not a win-win situation, all parties are put on the same level. All the parties sacrifice something as an agreement to find a solution.
#6 Avoid Threats
Sometimes during dispute resolutions, some people might turn to violence and threats to be heard or get what they want. Threats make the process worse and it gets difficult to reach an agreement. Try to stay calm and focus on resolving the conflict.
#7 Hire a Mediator
Sometimes, conflict resolution processes might escalate and both parties might not come to an agreement. When you realize that your case is heading towards a lawsuit, it is better to enlist an unbiased third party or a mediator to help resolve the conflict.
#8 Present Shared Values
If your dispute involves values, identify common interests between you and the other party. This can help you to settle the dispute amicably. Also, remember that some people might refuse to negotiate when it comes to matters they deem “sacred”.
#9 Focus on Gains
Most negotiators focus on being competitive as they focus on what they might lose. You need to focus on what each team has to gain from the process. This strategy guarantees effective collaboration. This is effective because both parties are set to gain.
#10 Communication is Key
Dispute resolution processes can cause resentment from both parties. This can escalate the conflict which causes broken communication, negative commitment, and false assumptions which don’t help the dispute. Effective communication helps to resolve conflicts because it reduces anxiety between the parties involved. This includes listening actively and asking questions to clarify any misunderstandings. Communication also involves both verbal and non-verbal cues. Conflict resolution can be challenging because both parties have to agree on a settlement where both parties feel satisfied that the solution favors them. It is not easy to face someone you are in disagreement with; however, dispute resolution is easier and cheaper compared to taking legal action.