Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that wasn’t my fault?


You have the right to contact a lawyer if you were involved in an accident that was not your fault. You may have to show that you didn’t do anything wrong. And that is why you do not want to have to deal with the legal procedure yourself after a preventable accident. Don’t worry. Please leave it to your lawyers. They can take care of it for you while focusing on your recovery from physical and mental trauma.

Should I get a lawyer for a car accident that wasn’t my fault?

You do not know the tricks in the law business. When the other car driver is at fault, their lawyer will try to persuade you to make comments that would reduce the compensation money. They’ll also try to make you a low settlement that doesn’t cover the entire extent of your losses, such as medical bills, vehicle repairment, or lost wages. So, please let your Cochrane car accident lawyer deal directly with them so that they can’t trick you according to their interest.

How can your lawyer help you?

You should call the police after the collision to complete a thorough accident report. If someone is hurt or any of the cars are damaged, you must file for a case with the police officer. If you think the other car driver is intoxicated by drugs or alcohol while driving, you must tell the police. Take photographs of both vehicles to capture any apparent damage on your own for a personal claim.

These are your duty to ensure your justice. Now we will see how a lawyer can help you even if you are not at fault for the accident. If you’ve been rear-ended or injured as a passenger in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, call a legal expert in handling car accidents to explore your case. Then, when it comes to the settlement procedure, your lawyer will make sure you don’t get sidetracked and get the less payment that you deserve in the name of settling the case mutually.

  1. Fixing the compensation amount

Even if the accident was not your fault, appointing a personal injury lawyer will keep you out of legal problems; click URL here to learn more. Taking help from them will also increase the chances of receiving your deserved compensation money. The typical law firms can devote specialized attention to the specifics of your case so that they can determine which damages have the highest likelihood of being awarded. You may squander time and money pursuing the incorrect type of amount.

The car accident lawyers will focus on physical damages, medical and therapy bills, pain and suffering, lost wages and earning capability, etc., so that you can hope for the proper justice you deserve.

  1. Gathering evidence

You may not have the experience of gathering and storing evidence of the accident. However, the lawyers have that kind of training. They will investigate your accident case and collect evidence on your behalf. For example, photographs and videos from the collision, CCTV video from the roadside or a home security camera, a thorough reading of the police report, medical treatment records, statements of witnesses and your opposite party, etc. 

  1. Proving your claim

Your legal team will utilize the evidence they have gathered to show that the other vehicle’s driver is at fault. This entails demonstrating that the driver should have taken precautions to keep you safe. Also, as the motorist was careless, you were put in danger. Furthermore, the collision was caused by the other driver’s carelessness. And not to forget, the unwanted accident left you with significant physical, mental, and financial losses.

  1. Dealing with the insurance company

Calling your insurance provider before hiring a lawyer is a mistake. The fundamental goal of the insurance company will be tricking you into not paying them enough money as your compensation. Because they might use your remarks against you to claim that you are not eligible to get the amount you’re asking for. That is why hiring an experienced and trained personal injury lawyer can help you avoid the traps that many drivers face following an accident. Trust your gut and your lawyer.

Final thought

When you face an accident, you are not legally obligated to appoint a car accident lawyer. Although sometimes it may not be your fault (the accident), taking the legal team’s help is called playing safe in the field. In addition, they can assist you in avoiding responsibility and determining if you are entitled to dealing with the case.

Be safe on the road!