How to Make the Right Price Management Decision for Your Business


This article will cover the different types of pricing strategies and how to create an effective pricing strategy for your own business. It will also go over the steps of making a pricing decision and how to avoid common pitfalls when pricing.

Pricing is one of the most important factors in determining success for a business. Prices are determined as a result of factors such as cost, competition, market value, customer expectations, and many others. Customers expect that they are getting quality product or service for their money. A good price strategy takes all these things into account before deciding on a price point including cost and competition.

Why Does Your Business Need Price Management?

Price management is important because it lets you have control over your pricing and makes it easier to make changes. It also helps you make profits by understanding what other companies are charging for similar items.

Price management is essential for any business because it allows you to set your own prices. This is helpful in a competitive environment where prices can change quickly, but often the price will be set too high or too low and not generate as much profit as intended. Price management can help avoid this by tracking the market so that the business can better understand what other companies are charging for similar items, and adjust accordingly.

The Different Types of Price Management Systems to Consider

1. Traditional Pricing Methods

The three traditional pricing methods are cost-based pricing, competitive pricing, and value-based pricing. Cost based pricing is the simplest and least time consuming method. Competitive pricing is a middle ground between cost-based pricing and value-based pricing. Value based pricing takes into account the customer’s needs as well as their wants.

Cost-Based Pricing: This type of price covers the costs involved in the production of a product or service with no consideration for what customers want or need.

Competitive Pricing: This type of price is based on what competitors charge for a product or service. It can also be determined by analyzing other factors such as input costs, supply and demand, etc.

Value Based Pricing: This type of value takes into account both what customers want/need as well as what

2. Penetration Pricing Management

Penetration pricing simply means pricing your product or service at a level where customers can afford to buy it.

In order to make a successful penetration price, you would need to lower the cost of the item without expecting to see any losses in sales. It’s primarily used by less established brands because it is much more difficult for well-established brands to offer discounts.

Once you’ve accomplished this technique, you should reward loyal customers with an exclusive discount or coupon code. This will encourage them to spend more money with your company and will create a sense of exclusivity that draws in new customers who are looking for deals.

3. Seasonal Pricing Management

Seasonal pricing is when prices are raised or lowered for certain periods of time because of what the company wants to do with their inventory.

This technique is used when companies want to sell more products, or they need to make room in storage for new products. This technique is also known as dynamic pricing.

4. Promotional Pricing Strategies to Boost Sales and Profits

Promotional pricing strategies can be divided into two groups. The first group is known as “loss leader” strategies and the second group is known as “bait and switch” strategies. Loss leaders are products that are sold below cost to attract potential buyers to a store or company. They often have low margins, but high sales volume. Manufacturers often promote loss leaders in the hope that customers will buy other more profitable items while at the store or company’s website.

Some companies use bait-and-switch tactics to lure customers by advertising a product with an attractive price, but then switching at point of sale for a more expensive product without informing them beforehand.


A well-managed pricing strategy can help one to sell more products at higher price points. The conclusion of using price management software is that it is a tool to help us maximize our revenue and profits. It does so by giving us the flexibility to adjust prices on the fly, alter discounts, manage inventory and optimize our product mix.