Lawyers and Legal Consultants – The Differences and the Benefits

Lawyers and Legal Consultants

Lawyers and Legal Consultants are meant to help people. They are meant to help people in Courts, outside the court or by giving the advice only. Sometimes just legal counselling is required by a layman who does not know about the Law but finds himself in a CAOS, where he has to consult the Law. A Legal Consultant is enough for this purpose. Even a lawyer can play the role of a consultant but the difference comes when a law expert has to appear in court for a court case. Lawyer can only be an Emirati but a legal consultant can be anyone but who gets the license of a legal consultant, which is mandatory. Legal Consultants might be a little cheaper than lawyers. But the recommendation is to connect with a Law Firm then Emirati and competent Lawyer and Legal Consultant. The Emirati Lawyers in Dubai, Legal Consultants in Dubai by the Emirati Law Firms in Dubai are a name of credibility. The credibility which can’t be challenged or questioned. The reason and the factors behind this, are quite simple. The Universities offering Law Education, are offering the world’s best course. The criteria to get exams is amazing. The criteria to get license exams are also amazing. The criteria to issue the license is also amazing. The minimum age is 18. The UAE national is eligible to become a Lawyer.

Expatriates can become the legal consultants but still they have to get the license to become and work as legal consultants. Legal Consultation means to get the legal advice by the Legal Consultants. The advice can be for several reasons including personal matters like divorce, custody of Childs, home beating. The advice can be on business matters e.g. investments, partnership disputes. The advice can be on real estate matters. The advice can be on rental disputes. The advice can be on investments and advice can be on civil and criminal matters. A Legal Consultant can be a full-service consultant or can be a consultant for a specific domain. It means, if a legal consultant is only an expert in criminal Law, then he must be hired by those who are looking for criminal law legal consultation. Similarly, civil law legal consultation, then family law legal consultation etc. Full-Service Advocates and Legal Consultants, is an honor indeed. It means that when you are going to hire a legal consultant expert in every branch of law then, you are going to hire a senior legal consultant. These legal consultants are the most senior because they have spent a large number of years dealing with every kind of legal matter. Obviously, these legal consultants will also cost more than the others (legal consultants).

The first or the initial advice can’t be free or should not be free. Legal Consultation is more than the exchange of arguments or counter arguments. Questions and answers are part of this. We must keep in mind that legal queries are answered by only the expert legal consultants who are authorized to give legal opinion. A legal consultant without a license is not a legal consultant. You can have a general discussion with these consultants. But a proper legal consultation, means a sitting with a licensed legal consultant. The licensed and authorized legal consultant will provide you the best possible and available advice. Such consultants are always updated with the latest info and amendments because every year when they have to renew the license then they have to pass the amendments in the exam. All such things make a legal consultant the best solution to getting the advice.

It needs to be made sure that the right legal consultant is going to be hired, and only a legal consultant needs to be hired. We have defined the difference between a lawyer and legal consultant, and the difference between a legal consultant and a licensed legal consultant. The right selection means to get practical advice as per UAE Labour Law. The right selection means to get the advice of a right legal consultant who does not cheat his clients. The subject of a Consultation is taken to the next level. Next levels can be court cases or the amicable settlements. Next level can be meetings, negotiations or serving a notice known as legal notice. The next levels can be three types of courts, but let us tell you this is the point where legal consultants can’t play the role more. Lawyer is always needs to manage UAE Court Cases. This is what we have also mentioned above. If a person gets the opportunity to hire a professional who is a lawyer and legal consultant together then it is a time saving and time managing approach. When you have doubts or when you are confirmed from the beginning that your matter will be taken to court then you should prefer to hire a Lawyer cum legal consultant. An ordinary matter or a small matter can be discussed with the consultant only. When you approach a Law Firm then you can meet a licensed consultant there. But he or she can’t appear in Court. Then, there is another guy/lawyer who has to be brought into the matter who could represent you in court. When the scenario is like that, then always do prefer to hire or meet the expert from the start who is a consultant sum lawyer and could lead you to the final end with a winning approach.  

UAE has also introduced new amendments in 2020 related to Family Law, Real Estate Law and Wills and Estate Law. It created support for the expatriates and the previous rules were made flexible in this regard. The UAE government has the policy to introduce the flexibility for the people living in the UAE, create support and ease for them and make things continuously better. The Family Law amendments allowed the persons to apply the same Law in divorce, the law which was used to get married in a place. For example, a couple who got married in a place XYZ, and they want to get divorced in UAE then they can apply for the law to be used in UAE. The information of the Lawyers and Legal Consultants must be updated. Client should ask him/her about the recent change and the amendments.