How to Configure Network Connections for Windows 10

Windows 10 wifi illustration

Since the time when the first PC was introduced, technology has evolved and so have windows. The operating system in the early stage of evolution was a simple operating technology to conduct the functions of a computer but gradually the evolution led to an intelligent and dependent operating system. Windows these days has a self-adjusting characteristic that is capable to have default network settings along with automatic troubleshooting of various network problems. The latest version in the bandwagon is the Windows 10.

Know the Features Integrated in Windows 10

Now, let us get deeper into the functioning and working of windows 10 buy knowing and understanding its key features that make this operating system user-friendly.

  • The first feature is the start menu that beholds shortcut to abundance of applications.
  • The second feature is the search bar that makes you get through the right topic amidst all the settings and drives.
  • There is an option of interactive tiles to personalize your start screen.
  • You can add task bar for improved efficiency of the operating system.
  • Cortona is an excellent feature integrated in the windows that work exactly like the Google Now and the Siri.
  • Windows 10 will soon arrive with a gaming application that works under the functioning of the Xbox App and Streaming.
  • Then there will be universal applications that will serve to provide you notifications on all devices that are connected to your device.
  • Then the next feature is the edge browser that is in-built with the most promising reading mode of the operating system.

Know the Advantages of Windows 10

Now, when you are aware of the main features of the operating system, let us get into understanding the benefits of windows 10:

  • Less and improved loading time
  • Improved stability, functioning, and performance
  • Redesigned and improved user interface for better user experience
  • More easy and comfortable to use
  • A wonder operating system for gaming purpose and game lovers
  • Better integration with all window based phone
  • Lighter operations
  • Excellent protection from virus
  • Complete control over functioning
  • Resolution to many privacy concerns

Know the Disadvantages of Windows 10

Every coin has two sides and so does windows 10. Apart from having several advantages, it also has certain disadvantages.

  • Upgrading the operating system can sometime lead to system crash.
  • The recurring problem that comes with outdated hardware.

How to Configure Windows 10 Network Connections

Now, when you are aware of features, advantages, and disadvantages of windows 1o, let us switch over to understand how to configure windows 10 network connection. The term configuration means a system of manner where all the components of the computer system are arranged in an optimal functioning order.

Here are the steps to personalize your network connection:

  • First go the page of “Setting” from the start menu.
  • By selecting “Network & Internet” so there a new window will open.
  • From there select the Ethernet option and again a new window will open.
  • From the displayed window of Ethernet select the option of “Change Adapter”.
  • Click and navigate to “Network Connection” page.
  • In the displayed window you will find all the adaptors available for network connection.
  • Choose one adapter and then right click to change or customize the configuration of the selected network connection.

To actually customize the configuration, go to “Properties” and navigate to required option:

  • General option caters to general configuration settings
  • Advanced option caters to functioning of the network adapter
  • About option caters to display the information of the network adapter
  • Driver option caters to showcase the driver information linked to the NIC
  • Details option caters to display the key details like the version and date of manufacturing
  • Events option caters to get the details of all recent events where the selected adapter was used
  • Power management option caters to help configure the input and consumption level

Once you undergo all the steps and make all the changes in the properties section, it is time you confirm the changes and click on “ok”. This takes you back to the Network connection page. Further to review the customized settings, right click the network adapter option and see all the properties. This configuration plays an integral role when it comes to cybersecurity and online safety.

If the configuration is not done properly then there are chances that you will get an error of windows cannot connect to this network. There are many reasons why there occurs a network problem. Some of the known reasons are:

  • Error in the operating system
  • Outdated drives
  • Problem with the network adapter
  • Issues with firewall
  • Concerns with network settings
  • Improper working of antivirus software

Hence, you should be very precise and careful while doing the configuration. The configuration also ensures that there have been regular updates for the following reasons:

  • It helps resolve computer bugs
  • Improves working and efficiency of the computer system
  • Helps keep under strict eye all the security flaws and holes
  • Helps protect your important data and also the computer system
  • Increases stability of computer functioning

Network connection plays an integral role aligned with the functioning of the windows. This is because everything in the current era has gone from offline to online mode.