How to Choose an Australian Immigration Agent to Help Navigate the Process

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If you are an international student in Australia, you may have thought about what will happen after you complete your studies, especially if graduation is nearing. For some students, they may plan to permanently migrate and settle down in the country.

But wait! Migration law may be tricky to navigate around in, especially if you’re not familiar with it. That’s why it’s beneficial to work with a good Australian immigration agent to help you through the process.

But with the many different immigration agents around, it may be confusing as to who you should work with. That’s why this article tackles how to narrow down your choices to find the most suitable Australian immigration agent to help make your plans to move a smoother one.

How to Choose a Suitable Australian Immigration Agent

There may be issues and pitfalls that one can experience when you coordinate your migration by yourself. Even just one tiny mistake can prolong the visa application process, or even jeopardize it altogether.

With due negligence and professional assistance, you can prevent that from happening. And that’s where a good migration agent comes along, whether you’re planning to be Sunshine Coast based or anywhere else in beautiful Australia. To help you find a competent one, make sure you follow these tips:

  1. Be Wary for Sale or Commission Driven Agents

When migration companies or agents try to make you sign something or will put pressure on you to commit with them, then look for someone else. Companies using sales representatives would usually work on commission, telling you what people want to hear so you choose them.

There are cases of people already paying agents, only to find out they lack the requirements to meet the visa criteria! This ends up being a total waste of time and a lot of money that you can’t get back.

  1. Choose One with Experience

Of course, you need to find an immigration agent who’s been in the field for a long time, alsohasexperience working with many people successfully. That way, they know exactly what immigration is looking for and what’s acceptable in submitting an application.

It’s best that you work with a migration agent that has had at least 5 years of practical experience in this industry. They would have a better understanding of interpreting legal requirements for your advantage, strengthening your visa application.

While more experienced immigration agents would sometimes cost a bit more than “inexperienced” or new agents, it’s worth the investment.

  1. Check Their Customer Feedback

When you have narrowed down your options, it’s also important to know about the success of migration agents based on their previous clients. You can head on to the company or agent’s website to find reviews about them. Or, even a quick Google search can show you unbiased and genuine reviews on their experience with the migration agent.

You can also check out the Migration Agents Registration Authority (MARA) to check if they have information about the company or agent you’re interested in working with.

  1. They Need to Be Registered

This is an absolute necessity when choosing a migration agent, so you’re ensured thatthey have the experience, training, and relevant authorities to report to. Unregistered agents are unregulated without Continuing Professional Development, so it can affect your visa application.

You can check if immigration agents are registered on MARA’s official website, typing the migration agent’s name or their MARA number. If they’re registered, you’ll be directed to their profile.

  1. You Shouldn’t Be Charged Too Much

Fees would vary, depending on the migration company or agent you work with. It also depends on the visa and circumstances on your end. Other factors that contribute to the cost include the consultation charges, services, company size, and as mentioned, the experience they have.

Remember, you shouldn’t be charged too much, with consultations only costing under $200. Shop around for quotations and find one suitable for your budget but still has the experience and reputation that can help with your visa application. The cheapest doesn’t mean the best!

  1. Take Note of Their Response Time and Interpersonal Skills

An important aspect of choosing an immigration agent is if they can communicate with you well. This can make the process even smoother and that you have the confidence you’re working with someone who acts like a professional.

One thing to observe is their response time. Don’t go for agents who take long to respond, even when you’re still inquiring about their rates and services. When they take too long in responding, chances are they may not provide the updates you need, or they won’t be able to make any changes on time, if ever the visa application has had issues.

Furthermore, check out their interpersonal skills, working with someone you’re comfortable communicating with so you won’t hesitate when asking questions. This visa application is crucial to you, so you want to entrust the process to someone who takes it as seriously as you, with professionalism and their attention focused on you.

Wrapping It Up

I hope that this article on choosing a suitable Australian immigration agent gave insight on who you should work with in the future. You can now prepare ahead if graduation is looming by starting your search today! Do you have questions or want to share your tips and experiences working with an immigration agent in Australia? Share them in the comments section below, I appreciate all your comments and suggestions.