Everest IMS 5.0 now helps ISPs & Telcos in achieving TRAI Compliance; with new in-built features

Under the "Guidelines for Unified Licensees", TRAI has laid down regulations for all Telecoms & ISPs, to store the system call logs for a specific period of time
TRAI reserves the right to call for these system call logs at any time for National Security or Cybercrime investigation.
EverestIMS provides a comprehensive solution which helps ISP/Telecom customers meet TRAI regulations

EverestIMS Technologies Pvt Ltd (Everest), an Indian software product company specialized in providing software solutions for IT Infrastructure, ITSM and IoT space, now provides a solution which help customers from ISP / Telecom segments to abide by the rules and regulations laid out by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI).
Mid of 2018, Everest has launched an upgraded version of its flagship product, Everest IMS with new and enhanced global features to ‘map-manage-monitor’ IT infrastructure intelligently through a unified platform. Understanding the regulations laid down by TRAI, Everest has introduced new features in IMS version 5.0 to benefit Telcos and ISPs by storing and accessing the system calls logs for extended time periods. For ISP environments, every single click by the customer is treated as a system call and is stored for maximum compliance. Whereas, in a telecom environment, full call details are recorded, constructed and stored for future use. This helps service providers of any size to have full peace of mind in terms of customer system call logs as per TRAI regulations.
Satish Kumar VCEO at Everest said, Evolution from analog to digital technology has facilitated the conversion of voice, data, and video to digital formats. This also urged our government to raise the bar of security standards. With the recommendations of TRAI on security and accessibility issues, TRAI has stipulated few regulation mechanisms for Telcos and ISPs. According to National Telecom Policy – 2012, every telecom service provider as well as ISP should store the system call logs for a specific period of time and should be accessed by TRAI officials at any time for investigation purpose. In the case of overruling the regulations by the service providers, can attract hefty fines“,
He further added, “Considering the regulatory policies set by TRAI, we at Everest have introduced extended features in Everest IMS 5.0, which offers high-performance stream processing of network traffic patterns and deep visibility into security attacks to benefit ISPs and Telcos. It also assists in pulling out the customer call logs by agency officials without the intervention of ISP or Telco personnel.
Everest IMS 5.0, can now also act as an efficient and scalable network traffic analysis solution in the tech market by delivering fast reporting and rich data analysis, which is accessible from any location. This has become a boon for ISPs and Telcos to equip themselves with hassle-free monitoring and collect network traffic data flow quickly and accurately.