Elite Techno Groups organizing Nation- Wide free engineering programme during pandemic supporting Skill India

BITE 2021 Announcement banner

This pandemic has been a nightmare for students who had looked up for skilling opportunities via internships. As many industries have shut shops and others facing downsizing, skilling opportunities are rare to find. When the engineering student community has already been under the scanner for 80% unemployment, and with the 3rd wave on its way, this is an issue that requires urgent attention.

Elite Techno Groups, an edtech company, skilling engineers for the last 8 years has taken an initiative to tackle this issue by organizing India’s Biggest Bootcamp on Industrial Technology for Engineers (BITE) with the help of industry experts and key speakers from top engineering companies to help students get industrial exposure. Dr. Manpreet Manna, Former Director, AICTE MoE, Govt. of India and Dr.Allabaksh Naikodi, Head EV at Royal Enfield are one of the key speakers who will share their expertise and experience with the students. This boot camp is in support of Central Govt’s Skill India Programme’s push on corporates taking the responsibility of Indian youth.

“Our aim is to help the students bridge the gap between Industry and Academics and to achieve our goal we’re very happy to announce BITE where we are targeting to skill 1 lakh+ students and offer them Rs.50 Lakhs worth scholarships. ETG is doing its best to provide the best of the learning during this tough time.” Mayank Arora, Founder, Elite Techno Groups.

This skill development program will not only help in gaining better job opportunities but will be a bonus for students stuck at home, to get an industrial exposure about what is going on in the industry, how pandemic has changed the working/ hiring process, and how students can grab this opportunity irrespective of their college standard, ranking, or status.  As per ETG, 100+ colleges across India have expressed interest to be a part of BITE. BITE ‘21 Media Partners are Higher Education Digest, Convergence Plus, Proche, and Silicon India.

In this Skilling Program ETG will be providing free workshops on various topics like Automotive Engineer (Learn Vehicle Dynamics & Design),Electric Vehicle (Technical Opportunities For Engineer) and also Start Practical Machine Learning/AI (Skills Needed to be a Data Scientist) from 9th – 31st July 2021 with reputed Industry Experts. These workshops can be enjoyed by anyone, undergrad or working professional keen to build their skill in any of this domain can register right away. Registering with the first 10000 students only.

Visit: https://www.elitetechnogroups.com/bite/

Elite Techno Groups has skilled over 1 Lakh Students from 600+ Colleges from 25 States of India including IIT Delhi, IIT Kanpur, and other top Universities. ETG also offers Internship cum Training for Vehicle Dynamics, Data Science & ML/AI, Electric vehicles, and Engg. Design & Analysis. With highly skilled mentors and highly rated planning, ETG ensures the best learning experience.