How can you earn more money as a freelancer?


As a freelancer, you’re living the dream—but are you making as much money as you can? When you own your own business, you get to do what you genuinely enjoy for a living. It’s not just about being able to choose your own hours, but it’s also about being able to maximise your earnings. If you’re self-employed, you may be having the time of your life. But are you getting paid enough? You may do what you love and earn a livelihood doing it if you are a self-employed business owner. In addition to being able to choose when, where, and on whatever projects you want to work, working from home gives you the flexibility to take action to increase your revenue.

Freelancers can earn more money than salaried employees:

75 percent of freelancers earn the same or more money than they did when working full-time, according to a 2020 survey by Upwork, a famous freelance jobs platform. It was even during the global crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic that 1.2 trillion dollars was generated by freelancers in the United States This represents a 22% increase from the year before.

At the same time, more and more people are realising the benefits of working for themselves as independent contractors in terms of achieving a better work-life balance. There are already 36 percent of Americans who make a living by freelancing. With this growing number, it is more vital than ever to ensure that you are doing everything necessary to obtain a fair portion of the profitable freelance work available to you.

Regardless of how long you’ve been freelancing or whether you’re a seasoned pro looking to expand your small business, there are certain practical actions you can take to get employment and make the most of your time and effort to get the most out of them. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort today, it will pay off in the long run for your business.

Make the most of any and all possibilities:

In order to earn more money, even if you are now swamped, you should always be looking ahead to the next opportunity. Customers’ budgets fluctuate, long-term connections pass on, and, as we’ve all experienced, a global epidemic may have a dramatic impact on your small business in an instant. As a last point, there could be better-paying and more interesting tasks available elsewhere.

As a result, make it a point to never overlook a potential job opportunity or client or colleague’s recommendation. The best way to get to know a new freelance opportunity is by getting in touch and introducing yourself to the company. There is a possibility that the project won’t begin for another month, allowing you to continue working from home. Even if the scheduling doesn’t work out, the customer will have the opportunity to learn about your past as a freelancer and keep you in mind for the next great job.

I know it’s more difficult to say than to do. When you’re overburdened with freelance work, it’s difficult to switch gears and follow up on leads. The initial impression is everything, so it’s crucial to plan ahead and have an updated portfolio, résumé and a selection of case studies ready to go.

Show off your accomplishments:

If you’re doing numerous freelancing gigs, you don’t have the time or energy to put together a strong portfolio of your greatest work. Schedule a block of time to assemble your greatest work and make it accessible to clients via an online link or PDF, or have a supply of pre-packaged hard copies ready to be sent out via courier or mail, rather than scurrying every time you come across a wonderful opportunity!

It’s also important to ensure that your portfolio can be updated rapidly and tailored to the specific needs of each client.

Identify your area of specialisation or expertise: Instead of “Freelance Writer,” be more specific in order to attract the clients and the employment you desire. A “Speechwriter,” for example, is a good title to use.

Here’s your chance to show off some of your finest work, along with a description of the services you offer and a brief explanation of how you help your clients succeed.

Maintain a list of real-world case studies and examples:

Clients may want to know more than just what you accomplished. To them, the secret to your success is in the steps you took to get there. They want to know how you did it. When you’ve completed a project, write a brief case study about what went well and what went wrong. When new opportunities arise, you’ll have a ready supply of excellent case studies from which to draw when demonstrating your suitability for a given position to potential employers.

You don’t have to spend a lot of time on your case studies. Instead, keep them succinct and to the point so that clients can understand straight away that you are the perfect person for the job.

  • Describe the problem, e.g., creating packaging for a new product aimed at adolescents.
  • Tell us about your work, both in terms of what you did and what your solution was.
  • Tell us about your journey. Describe what happened.
  • Describe a successful outcome, such as a new product launch or a satisfied customer.

Increase the value you provide to your current customers:

Consider your current clients first before looking for new ones to enhance your income, because it’s always easier to start with what you already have. When it comes to your abilities and knowledge of their industry, they’ve already got your back.

Your fresh new ideas and services you may supply based on their business objectives and goals will show them the added value you bring. For example, if you have been writing external business speeches, but know that they want to increase their company messaging to employees, remind them that you can apply your vast communications expertise to their internal e-newsletter and intranet website. Add additional features and establish microsites for special events or initiatives if you’re developing their website.

Ask for recommendations from people you trust:

Any freelancer or self-employed professional’s dream comes true when they receive a referral. Customers’ recommendations are the lifeblood of any small business, as any electrician or plumber can attest. However, it’s normal for freelancers to be reluctant to ask clients for references, particularly in creative fields such as graphic design or writing and editing.

The truth is that many clients are delighted to be asked to recommend a company to their friends and colleagues. It demonstrates your respect for their viewpoint and your belief in the persuasiveness of their advice. However, you must first ensure that you are speaking with the correct individual.

Even though it may feel more honourable to have the company’s CEO send you to the company’s Communications Director, that individual genuinely knows how you overcame seemingly impossible difficulties to execute excellent work on time and under budget. When it comes to employing freelancers, that person is the most likely to have coworkers who are in charge of it.

Seek reputable customers:

As a freelancer, the best method to enhance your earnings potential is to work with clients who value your services and are willing to pay accordingly.

Word-of-mouth referrals and face-to-face networking opportunities still play an important role in meeting high-quality, better-paying clients, even though the Mad Men-style three martini lunches are long gone. Although many firms today are looking for a fast, easy, and cost-effective solution to find freelancers,

The power of modern technology comes to the rescue:

Even if you’ve worked as a freelancer for a long time, freelancer platforms can still be a terrific source of work for those who are just starting out.

Preparation is key before reaching out to potential employers through freelancer sites like Upwork or Techlancer. Ask whether you know anyone who works at the company or has done freelance work for them in the past. As simple as going through your LinkedIn contacts, it could be the answer. They can help you determine if the firm is a suitable fit for you to work for, and they may even be able to introduce you to the proper people.