Busy but Balanced: 6 Tips for Fitting Study Around Your Work Schedule

Fitting Study Around Your Work Schedule
Image Source: Photo: carolyn christine / Unsplash

If you have worked full-time for years and suddenly a higher education opportunity has arisen, you may be wondering how to fit it all into your daily schedule. This is a common concern for many people who work and take classes at the same time. While challenging, it’s possible to fit study around your work schedule. Below, we’ve outlined precisely how you can do it. 

1. Create a Daily Schedule

It’s surprising how many people neglect to create a schedule, leaving them strapped for time to finish everything. A clear plan covering the subjects you’ll tackle each day can help you use your time effectively when you’re not working. To use your time even more effectively, take advantage of online tutoring services to get a handle on the subjects that give you the most trouble. When you always know what you’re supposed to be doing and how best to do it, you’ll find your stress levels and deadlines remain manageable. 

2. Study During Your Commute

If you ride the bus or subway to work, you have the ideal time to study. As a bonus, reading is a great way to avoid eye contact and awkward conversations with strangers. You can also listen to podcasts or recorded lectures and take notes. 

Other times that may prove study-worthy include when you’re eating, exercising, taking work breaks, while the kids are doing their homework, and after they go to bed. 

3. Set Reasonable Study Goals

Goals are great motivators, but they can’t be so broad that they seem unreachable. For example, mastering an entire subject may seem time-consuming and tedious, but vowing to study it for two hours twice a week is a goal you can be accountable for and achieve. Set small, time-sensitive goals like this to keep yourself moving forward. 

4. Be Flexible

Nothing in life is guaranteed, so you must be flexible in scheduling your studies around your work schedule. You may have to work late, or your car might break down. Things like this happen to people daily, and if you’re not prepared, they can derail your plans. The key is to avoid stressing about missing a scheduled study period. Handle the disruption as needed, and compensate for the lost time (if necessary) in your next study session. 

5. Schedule Study Time When You’re Most Focused

Do you learn better in the morning or the evening? Many people don’t realize that they concentrate better and are more productive at certain times of the day. Those times are when you should schedule your study sessions to get the most out of the material. If you try to learn something when your mind isn’t receptive, you may not remember much of what you studied. 

6. Don’t Forget to Schedule Breaks

Studies reveal that successful learning happens when you take short breaks while learning. Taking breaks is crucial as it helps prevent burnout. When you’re working full-time while taking classes to further your education, you stand a high chance of burning out quickly if you don’t take time for relaxation and fun. Even just closing your eyes for a 10-minute power nap can be incredibly beneficial. 

Many people find it challenging to work a full-time job while going to school. Doing double duty like this can be stressful and overwhelming. Luckily, the tips above can help you schedule much-needed breaks around your work schedule and study time, so you can meet your deadlines and perform exceptionally on both fronts.