9 platforms to download the ebooks for free

9 platforms to download the ebooks for free

Are you looking for free ebooks? Are you getting confused about which website is ideal for getting these books?

If these questions disturb you, the below-mentioned information is ideal for you. Presently, electronic books have become one of the significant sources to grab information anytime and anywhere. If you do not like to carry the weight of hardcover books, you must think about ebooks. Gracefully, these books will not create a hole in your pocket.

Digital bookworms have plenty of time to read the book. They can read the books while having dinner, driving, etc. Moving to the platforms, there are numerous online platforms to get free electronic books.

Do you want to know about those platforms? If yes, stay tuned with us. Here is the list of best platforms from where you can download electronic books without paying a single penny.

1. Google eBookstore

Initially, make an account on this platform, then you will see the section of free books. Click on that; you will get plenty of free books from the different genres in this section. You can check the bestseller’s ebooks, favorite classics, etc. Before buying the books, you can check other users’ ratings and reviews. If you do not get the books from this platform, click here to download them.

2. Project Gutenberg

It is one of the prominent platforms with a collection of over 45,000 free ebooks. The collection includes highly-rated books such as Prejudice Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Frankenstein by Mary Wollstonecraft, etc. There is no registration or fee needed to use this platform. EbooksEbooks are available in different formats, including ePub, Kindle, simple text format, HTML, etc.

3. Open Library

What is better than this is you have the option of over one million free ebooks. Additionally, it is an open online project of the Internet Archive. The user can also contribute books. The selection of books commenced from Ronal Dahl to John Grisham. There is no need to add extra effort to research the books. You need to add the title, author, and subject. The ebooks related to it will display on the screen.

4. Internet Archive

If you are searching for books of different languages and formats, this non-profit digital library is an ideal platform. If you are looking for history and academic-related books, it is a perfect platform. Along with it, you get the options related to electrical engineer’s pocketbooks from 191, cookbooks from across the world, and many more electronic books.

5. BookBoon

If you are looking for any specific educational textbook or business-related books, you must explore BookBoon. This platform has plenty of books like An Introduction to Business and Business Planning, Advanced communication skills, etc. It has over 1000 free electronic books. The users will not face any problem in navigating it. Along with it, there is no need to register for downloading it.

6. Library Genesis

This search engine provides the reading material. This material includes ebooks, magazines, articles, and so on. The collection of three million ebooks and approximately 60 million articles attract readers to use it. Aside from it, you will get various fiction and non-fiction covered in different genres.

There is an Author option available, where you can click on it and search as per the author’s name. You can narrow down the results based on file extension and language with the advanced search option.

7.  CentslessBooks

The main motive of this platform is to provide all the free electronic books that are available on online retailers. Keep the one thing in your mind there are a few free books that you can download if you are a member of Kindle Unlimited. It provides free ebooks, which are available on Amazon.

8. Feedbooks

Feedbooks has an enormous collection of downloadable electronic books. It includes fiction, non-fiction, public domain, copyrighted, etc. It has a huge chunk of public domain titles that are short stories and plenty of original tags which are fan fiction. Some books are available in EPUB, PDF, and other formats. So, you can check the form of the books before downloading them.

9. Free-Ebooks.net

This platform offers more than a thousand free electronic books. Its content is divided into various categories: fiction, non-fiction, romance, Sci-Fi, business, and many more. To download these books, you need to sign-up for an account. There is no charge implied for downloading the free ebooks.

Final Verdicts

So, these are the nine most prominent platforms that will make your search and download easier. All you need to do is enter the details of books like the author, subject, genre, and many more. Additionally, you can explore different sections too. Due to it, you can come across to different features. Choose platforms and download the ebooks without paying any cost.