4 Marketing Strategies You Probably Overlooked In 2022


Running out of ideas? This blog is here to refresh your memory and take you back to the most underrated yet effective marketing strategies that you probably overlooked in 2022. Maybe your focus was on something else. Maybe you were preoccupied with the web traffic numbers that showed up on your Google Analytics. But let’s get past all that. Let’s load you up with a few marketing tips that you can try right away:

1. Remember To Go Live

You are a fan of Facebook and Instagram. Why not make it more useful for your company? Your audience is going to love it when you connect with them in real-time and have meaningful conversations with them. Do you know that in the previous year, close to 28% of marketers who used live video streaming platforms were able to achieve new heights in their overall sales numbers? This is because you can repurpose your live content for your other posts as well. You can generate new ideas by connecting with your audience directly and understanding what they are looking for in your offering. This also brings you closer to them and makes you a people’s brand.

2. Video Content Is Your Best Friend

If you want to promote your event and put all your offerings into the spotlight, the best way is to create an explanatory video of the same. Any content that has the potential to go viral is going to go viral. You could put your own interesting spin on the video by adding funny clips and interesting music. Remember, imagery and videos cast a long-lasting impression on your audience as compared to Facebook posts that have long texts and infographics in them. Through a video promotion, you can leave a very strong impact on your users and spread the word around about your special event or offering very easily.

3. No More Cold Calling

It is important to get connected with your customers regularly. It is essential to find out how they are doing. Get their valuable feedback and assess their pain points during that telephone call. This is where you establish a strong connection with your audience. It is very distinct from cold calling. But remember, this method is not so flexible when it comes to scalability. It is time-consuming and you are going to require an unusual amount of manpower to pull this off. The best part about this method is that it is highly effective and very much personalized. It is as close as you can get to a face-to-face conversation and the impact that it leaves on the minds of your customers is incredible. A few tools that you can use for such conversations are FaceTime, Google, Hangouts, Skype, Zoom, and of course, regular voice calling.

4. Television Advertisements

Television advertisements are not only for the established brand but for new startups as well. When you talk about the benefits of linear tv advertising, there are so many that you will get tired of wrapping your head around them. Let’s have a look at a few:

1. Easily Target Live Events

This is probably the biggest advantage of TV advertisements. You can broadcast your promotional material as events happen. Right from global sporting events to current news and similar processions, all of them give you a huge marketing opportunity. You must know that millions of people tune into these events and it gives you around 42% more exposure throughout the world if you do it right. And the best part is that close to 50% of your viewers will be willing to buy from you because you have featured in the middle of their favorite events.

2. Reach A Wider Demographic

Because older audiences or more mature people are still very traditional in their sources of entertainment, you can reach them quite easily with this form of advertising. Do you know that close to 60% of your viewers that are above the age of 55 can be easily targeted with this medium?

3. Select A Specific Audience

Just by selecting a time slot in between appropriate shows, you can target a specific audience of a particular age. This freedom is only available when you are performing linear tv advertising.


You probably already knew about these marketing strategies but you neglected them. Maybe you thought that they wouldn’t be that effective. Perhaps you were looking for something more innovative. But remember, at times, going back to your traditional ways of marketing can help you gain more traction with your audience without having to try too hard.