Why Parental Control is Important: Save Your Kids From Dangerous Online Activities


This is the Digital Age. When we as parents can’t stop using gadgets, being on social media platforms and spending our leisure hours on mobile and tablets; there is no chance of expecting the same from our kids. The only difference is that we are aware about our timelines and safety but those kids aren’t. Hence, Parental Control is a must. You cannot deny the use of internet for kids today for academic reasons neither can you bind them to use it only for academic purpose. They may install games, join chat rooms, make social friends and watch what is unfit to their age group. All that you can do is keep a secret eye on their uses.

Today is market is all flooded with various Parental Control software and apps. They assist parents in setting up control on their kids’ internet use. The prime motive is to prevent children from retrieving inappropriate content online. These Parental monitoring software and apps allows parents to apply various controls on internet uses. They block, filter, or restrict the content unsuitable for kids. They can also benefit parents by setting up a time line for access. They in a way also set diverse profiles to facilitate each family member with the access level that is suitable to them.

What is the Importance of Parental Control?

The Parental control guidance is essential for parents if they are new to this platform. Parental Controls nowadays are simple to install & they’re important in controlling how much time your child can spend on using the internet. They also suggest the ways to keep an eye on how children are using the technology. The below mentioned points enlightens their importance a bit more:

  • Awareness for Unsafe Apps: Installing the parental monitoring apps or software in your kids’ handset, gives you an idea about the apps they are using. You can cross-check the apps and block them if you happen to find them unsafe for your kid.

  • Cyber Bullies & Criminals: Tracking the WhatsApp chats, Inbox messages and Chat room conversations enable you to save your children from any cyber bully or from indulging in any sort of cybercrime activity.
  • Effect on Mental Health: By tracking any particular app or website and the number of hours spent on its usages you can judge its effect on the mental health of your child. If you detect an app or website with negative effect, the parental control allows you to block it there itself.
  • Online Predators: There are online games that provoke kids to do tasks that are threatening. The online games like Pokémon Go, PUBG, The House of the Dead: Overkill, Condemned 2: Bloodshot incite so much of violence in kids mind. Thus, using phone monitoring app you can block these games on their handsets.
  • Parents Can’t Be There All The Time To Watch On Their Kids: Parents may be working or non-working but even then they are loaded with various other responsibilities. They cannot be with kids 24X7. Moreover kids have their own life as well. Kids these days demand privacy. This is where parental control plays the role. It lets you be with your kids all the time virtually. Wherever you are; tracking their locations, messages, chats, and check-ins is no more a big deal.
  • Spend More Time On Social Media: Be it WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Line, Instagram, SnapChat or any other social networking platform. They are all time-eaters. They are so addictive that even sometimes parents cannot get rid of their access. Thus a sheer wastage of time. Parental controls can help you setting a number of fixed hours in a day for their restricted usage.

TiSPY- The Best Parental Control Software for Android Devices

To assist the parents in taking control for kids’ mobile handsets and tablets, TiSPY has been launched in 2010. It is a set of finest parental monitoring software and applications.Using TiSPY parents can monitor child’s activities over smartphone. Tracking the deleted messages and getting the complete hidden information about your child’s locations using smartphone’s GPS locator is made possible through TiSPY.

Below discussed are the points that made TiSPY suitable parental monitoring software for Indian and abroad settled parents.

  • Identifying Behavioral Problem Areas: With TiSPY parents can observe the reasons behind change in the behavior of kids. Many times it is been seen that a chat or messages or a post from social media platforms make a negative impact on kids’ mind. Also there are online games that give some dangerous tasks to perform in a fixed deadline. All these results into behavioral change. TiSPY is a way to watch over these changes.
  • Online Activity Monitoring: Kids may or may not be sharing their complete day-to-day activities or conversation that had among friends. But this may have an effect on their thoughts. With TiSPY parents are enabled to monitor social mediachats, messages, images, and even secrets that they did not share with you. Parents can similarly track the incoming and outgoing calls and note to which number how long was the conversation. 
  • Tracking Location: Using the GPS locations on kids’ smartphone you can easily track their live locations. This would be helpful in understanding and knowing where they go and with whom they spent time with. You can even reach to the locations in case of uncertain emergencies.

Consequently, as parents we want our kids to be safe from dangerous impact of internet and this could only be done using Parental Control Apps and Software.