What Are the Benefits of Having a Virtual Cell Number?

Image Source:Singularity Hub

Virtual phone numbers, which can be assigned to any or multiple devices, are not directly tied to a landline. Instead, they rely on IP connections. This is what makes them so useful – there are no physical limitations or hardware, and they come at a fraction of the price.

Professionals with a virtual phone number or service eliminate the need for call centers and secretaries. Owners can program their phone number in such a way that even their customers’ most frequently asked questions can be answered without ever taking a call.

These are just a few of benefits of having a virtual cell number. Keep reading to learn nine more.

1. Meet and exceed your sales goals

It’s no secret that consistent communication leads to better relationships, and in turn, more sales. But today’s sales reps are feeling pressure like never before. In fact, according to one study, 61% of salespeople consider selling much harder than it was five years ago. It also concluded that the phone is still the most effective sales tool.

However, even with this helpful tool at their disposal, all too often, salespeople neglect to call leads back.Or, if they do, too much time has passed, and they’ve moved on to a competitor.

A virtual service lets you have a 24/7 receptionist, taking care of your leads when you’re not able to. You can have calls forward to the right person, voicemail, or another phone number. How does this help you meet sales goals, you ask? Because you can rest assured that no lead is left behind.

2. Feel confident in your call performance

A simple scroll through your call log shows you incoming, outgoing, and missed calls. Unfortunately, no matter how “smart” your phone is, it doesn’t provide key insights in to your call performance and trends.

A virtual phone number app, like Ninja Number, has the power to uncover this helpful information. Displayed in easy-to-read graphs and charts, you can see, for example, which days of the month people are calling you most, average call duration, and your busiest times of day. This kind of data helps salespeople understand their customers and managers know more about employee performance.

3. Get more of your time back

Businesses typically have a list of frequently asked questions, such as hours, location, or pricing. The frustrating part for business owners is having to pick up the phone and answer them all the time.

That’s where a virtual phone number comes in. You can program the app to answer these general questions for you, so you can spend your time on more important tasks.

4. Never feel panicked about missing a call

As a salesperson, calling back leads is one of the most important steps you take to build your book of business. But life gets in the way, meetings happen, and other distractions can cause you to forget to call them back.

This fear is eliminated with a virtual number. You can set up reminders to call back customers and prospects, or even be notified when a VIP sales call rings in. With the power of AI, it marks calls as general inquiries, prospects, qualified leads, current customers, and very important people. This helps you prioritize who you should call back first, and which calls you need to take without delay.

Between all of the communication methods used today, salespeople have a lot of messages to keep up with. It’s easy to listen to a voicemail, mentally “save” it for later, and then forget about it completely. Virtual business lines have the ability to send voicemails to emails or to transcribe them via text message. This gives you a physical file or email, which is less likely to get lost than a voicemail. 

5. Keeping sales and personal calls separate

No matter how much you love your customers, there are instances when you just don’t want them to have your personal cell phone number. Plus, when an unsaved phone number calls your phone, you don’t know if it’s your plumber calling or your next top customer.

Virtual cell numbers enable you to keep everything separate. You can publish your business number online without fear of your personal information floating around on the web.

For incoming calls, you’ll know right away if it’s a personal or business phone call—informing you of how you answer the call.In short, it helps you get in the right mindset. With call labels, you’ll know if you need to quickly recall a recent quote or pull up notes from your last conversation.

6. Boost your company’s image

In today’s day and age of online reviews, your brand reputation is always on the line. From never returning to phone calls or answering one call unprofessionally, you’re at risk for a caller to share their less-than-ideal experience online.

Having a consistent, professional image can be difficult to achieve if you use your personal cell phone number as your business line. When prospects reach your personal voicemail, they may be turned off by its informal tone.

Using a virtual service ensures your separate line has a custom message, welcoming callers to a more expected experience when calling a business. This boosts your reputation and gives even the smallest businesses a more professional image.

7. No hardware, less cost

Gone are the days where salespeople are tethered to their desk to take sales calls. Between working from home and frequent on-site client meetings, professionals are at their office less and less.

The flexibility of this technology lets them take calls anywhere, anytime. Not to mention, businesses don’t have to worry about all of the hardware, setup, and maintenance that comes with a company landline. Not only is a virtual cell number flexible, but it’s also more cost-effective than the traditional route.

8. Better collaboration with team

If you have a team of salespeople, it can be manual to send every lead individually to each employee. Wouldn’t it be better if you could share a single phone line between multiple devices? With a virtual phone number, you can.

Some virtual phone systems allow you to share and link your business line with up to five different smartphones. All of the devices will ring at the same time, which ensures an incoming lead will never be missed, and they’re taken care of every single time.

But devices sharing a business line don’t just take calls. Through a virtual phone number mobile app, each device has the capability to answer texts and chat messages, all identifying as the business’ phone number.

Team members are no longer left wondering which lead will be assigned to them. They can quickly collaborate and get back to leads in a timely fashion – a win-win for both the business and the customer.

9. Have a local presence

It’s just a fact – people are more likely to make phone calls to a local number than one from an unknown area code. Plus, calling a 1-800 number makes the caller feel like they’re calling a large, faceless company, and they will have to sit through a triage of questions before speaking to a human.

Setting up a virtual cell number helps you establish a local, personable presence. Your customers will feel more comfortable calling a local number when they need support. They will be more apt to trust a company with a number they recognize, rather than calling a 1-800 number or a foreign area code. Build trust with your customers by sharing a local, recognizable number.

Are you ready to reap the benefits of a virtual cell number? Ninja Number harnesses the power of AI to help you call sales leads back quickly and guarantees to double your business. Contact them today to learn more, or start your free trial!