The easiest way to travel for business in lockdown

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Although many of us may be working from home, some are still having to travel for business. Whether you’re venturing near or far, it can be quite an anxious time to be travelling, especially due to the coronavirus pandemic. So, no matter if you feel prepared for it or not, here’s a few tips on how to travel for business in lockdown safely and effectively.

Review your upcoming trips

Take a look at all of the upcoming trips you may have personally or as a company. Ask yourself can any of these be done remotely? If they can then great, your mitigating any risk and are also saving money. However, if it needs to be a face-to-face meeting and can’t be avoided, no problem, but make sure you plan well in advance.

Travel in the right way

One of the easiest ways to travel for business in lockdown is by rail. Trains and carriages are deep cleaned regularly and must adhere to certain cleanliness and safety rules. If you’re journey is taking you further than the UK and you need to hop on a plane too, you may find that catching a service like the Gatwick Express is easy, safe and convenient during these unprecedented times.

Create guidelines for your company

As many of us have never been alive to experience a pandemic of any kind, it may be worth creating a few guidelines for travel that your employees can read. These could be everything from planning journey’s ahead to making sure they have the appropriate cleaning kit with them – this could include everything from a couple of face masks, wipes and hand sanitiser.

Consider running virtual training for your team to encourage safe travel

After you’ve created guidelines for your employees, you may want to run virtual training sessions to ensure that everyone is clued up. By running these workshops and chatting through any expectations with your workforce, you’ll also be working towards mitigating any risks that are associated with travelling during a pandemic.

Although travelling by train may be one of the easiest ways of getting about during the pandemic, travel of any kind doesn’t come without risks. Make sure everyone has all the information they need and that journeys are planned well in advance. You could even take advantage of any advanced tickets and cheaper fares if you book ahead!