Some Useful Tools Designed to Test a Network or Sever


Network performance and diagnostic tools are perhaps among the essential utilities that any network operator should own. Testing your network helps you understand how your system will do in once it goes online. It enables you to see how well it will perform and figure out any bottlenecks beforehand. Let’s say you are launching a website; how do you ensure its functionality and its server’s functionality? How do you validate and test the whole thing before launching? These are the main issues we will be eyeing on.

This article will help you learn about different utilities that help you find various issues in your network, access, and troubleshoot them, so everything in the system works smoothly. We will be targeting things like network speed monitoring tools, network troubleshooting tools, network stress testing tools, and others.


It is firstly a diagnostic tool, a fully automated piece of utility that scans through network vulnerability and misconfiguration. It currently detects over 50 Thousand known issues. Acunetix also finds open ports and servers that are running. Along with that, it also assesses the router security, switches security, firewalls, password strength, power balancers, DNS zone transfer, the configuration of Proxy servers, and others. You can also use the pirate bay proxy service for a secured data access.

Solar Winds Network Performance Monitor

Solar Wind is considered one of the most helpful utilities with one of the best UIs combined with ease of setup and ease of use. It deploys very quickly and allows you to oversee the entire network, making Solar Winds one of the most comfortable software to use coupled with one of the best user interfaces.

You get to customize the utility to your liking and swap between profiles for added convenience. It has a feature known as the Engineer’s Toolset, which includes all the network testing tools that one might need with added diagnostic tools and discovery tools. Solar Winds can also work as a traffic generator tool for your network. You get to test network performance in a controlled test environment for specific WANs.

The ability to design a customized topology according to your preference boosts your workflow, making everything much more comfortable, faster, and efficient. The software is sold by different modules to suit your personal needs based on what you need or use. Its price-point is very close to $2,000 with a one-time licensing and a year of maintenance.

Red Stresser

Red-stresser is an IP booter or IP stresser made to put networks or servers under immense pressure. Red Stresser works by simulating DDoS attacks on your server and the clients to stress test the systems and find potential vulnerabilities. Many cybersecurity agencies use tools like these to do just that and fish for vulnerabilities and security flaws in their networks.

Although, the actual use-case for IP stressers extends much further than stressing the servers. Red stresser on that account has the power to launch and simulate a seven-layer attack that is fully customizable. It bypasses many of the cutting-edge protection and security measures, allowing you to assess how you are vulnerable and where you are weak.


It is ordinarily known for its profound foundational managing capacities. All gadgets, frameworks, traffic, and applications in your network can be conveniently shown in a sorted view that sums up different alerts and performance diagnostics.

It screens IT framework utilizing tools like WMI, SNMP, SSH, HTTP requests, Flows/Packet Sniffing, REST APIs, SQL, Pings, and much more.

It is probably the ideal choice for associations or people who have lower experience in networking. The UI is very user friendly and exceptionally simple to utilize.PRTG has a very particular component that’s unique to itself. It can screen gadgets in the datacenter with a portable application installed on your mobile device or tablet.

A QR code is printed on the physical equipment. Using a mobile device or tablet with the corresponding application installed scans the QR code, and a rundown of the gadget is shown on the smartphone or tablet. PRTG has a truly adaptable pricing strategy, which makes it a very lucrative package for many people.


Datadog Network Performance Monitoring is a utility package that can follow the performance of cloud-based systems of networks with a unique, tag-based methodology. You will have the option to breakdown the traffic between hosts, services, containers, administrations, or some other tag in Datadog.

On the off chance that you consolidate stream-based NPM with metric-based Network Device Monitoring, at that point, you can get the total perceivability into network traffic, traces, framework metrics, and logs—across.

It maps out and outputs traffic streams in an intelligent guide to help distinguish traffic bottlenecks and any downstream impacts. It is anything but difficult to explore and utilize, permitting you to see measurements such as retransmits and volume without having to go through the process of writing queries.


Most of this software is bundled utilities combined like Acunetix, Solar Winds, PRTG, and Datadog all have different utilities packed inside them to either diagnose, monitor, or assess your network and servers. Although red stresser is a little extra out of the bunch, acting as more of a stand-alone lone wolf with a more aggressive stance allows you to attack your network to find flaws and later fix them. Pairing an IP stresser with any monitoring and diagnostic application will make for a deadly combination to top your game.