SMEs Keep Taking the Bait

SMEs Keep Taking the Bait

Did you know that the people within an organisation can often be the weakest link when it comes to cyber security? This is why end user education is crucial to help protect data and sensitive information – for yourselves, your teams and, especially, your clients.

A recent survey conducted by Datto showed that phishing, poor user practices and lack of cyber security training were the three most common causes of successful ransomware breaches.

While phishing is one of the top breaches, weak passwords are also to blame for security breaches. Did you know that on average, it takes a hacker one minute to hack a seven-character password? Strong passwords and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) are vital to protect yourself. This is where the essential cyber security training comes in.

Cyber Security training is one of the most powerful tools an organisation can implement to ensure that they are well protected against the ever-changing and evolving cyber threats that many SMEs encounter. End user education is an easy and inexpensive way to enhance your cyber security protection.

The Repercussions of Attacks:

  • Loss of productivity (which could affect profitability)
  • Loss of data and stolen data (which could result in fines)
  • Business downtime (while the business gets itself back on its feet)
  • A tarnished reputation

Clients could lose faith in your organisation and its practices if you were to fall for a breach that directly affected them. There’s nothing worse than losing credibility.

No industry is safe but there are certain organisations are more vulnerable to ransomware attacks than others, with Healthcare being one of the top ones this year, with Covid-19 playing a big part in this. Professional Services, Education and Finance/Insurance are also some of the most vulnerable industries.

It’s important to remember that SMEs aren’t the only victims to cyber attacks, but just the easier targets. This is why you need to ensure that you have a multi-layered approach in place, a strategic continuity plan and most importantly, that your employees – your first line of defence – are well-prepared and trained up to defend you from these malicious threats/attacks.

Visit our Cyber Security webpage for more information and to find out how we can help protect your organisation, team and clients.