Simple Tips for Ensuring Safe Visitor Experience

Reception illustration

No doubt welcoming guests warmly to your workplace is one of the most essential factors. However, providing them with a safe visiting experience is probably even more important in this COVID-19 pandemic.

In fact, the professionals think that these two factors should not be considered separate and should go hand in hand. By doing so, you will not only protect the health of your visitors but also make sure that your employees and other staff of your workplace remains safe as well.

iLobby visitor management system is one of the smart systems that can help you do that without any hitches. It will help you to manage the visitors better and to create a safe environment even before the visitors put a single step in your workplace.

Interested to know how to do that? Here are some tips that can help you to manage your visitors hassle-free. Check it out.

Invite The Visitors Before Time

Opening your business is synonymous to handling the visitors that will be coming to your workplace continuously. If you take the help of the smart iLobby Visitor Management System, you can manage that better. The smart system will help you to prepare your team of employees better about handling the customers.

This system can also lighten the burden of your employees by taking some of the load of the work away from their shoulders. This system can also become the welcoming first touchpoint for your visitors. As the visitors pre-register themselves in the system, you and your team will be able to predict the numbers of people who will be present in your space to make sure that you are not going overboard.

Give Visitors the Required Information about Their Seamless Arrivals

To invite the visitors beforehand, you have to send them emails containing the required information. With the help of iLobby Visitor Management System, you can customize the email and include the essential information such as where to park, where to go and what they should expect after arriving onsite.

The system also allows you to send an email to the visitor the moment he/she signs in. You can share pieces of information like emergency procedures and Wi-Fi passwords to make sure that your visitor feels welcome and prepared for the visit.

Health and Safety tips

Along with providing information to smoothen their arrival, you should also include necessary health and safety information in the email. This information will help the visitor to feel secure and confident about visiting your place. It will also help them realize that you have a proper plan of handling every aspect of their visit, which can reduce their anxiety significantly.

Effortless Access

Along with the key information about the arrival, you can also ensure effortless access to your workplace by the visitors by integrating your building access control system with the iLobby Visitor Management System.

You can send the visitors security QR codes that they can use while navigating through the security checkpoints. You can also offer them yet another QR code to make the sign-in process completely touch-free.

More Information About The Guests

Most businesses would like to have access to information about the visitors before they come to their place. A visitor management system can make that possible as well. You can offer the QR code to the customers only if they provide you with a handful of information. In this way, you will have access to all the necessary information about the visitor when he uses the QR code to check-in.

Along with collecting the necessary information about the visitor, the system can also send an NDA at the time of pre-registration process. In this way, the visitors will have the time to provide you with all the necessary details and make sure that you will be protecting all this information.

Make Sure Your Team Is Ready

When you use a smart system to pre-register your guests, you offer your team a chance to get ready for the visitors who will be coming to your place on that particular day. The smart system helps your employees to identify the busy periods of the day or the week and make sure that you have all the necessary plans in place for handling the rush. A simple iLobby Visitor Management System helps you to streamline the visitor management process. This helps you to protect the visitors as well as the health of your team and take all the necessary precautions. The entire system makes the experience of the visitors smoother and takes you ahead of your competition.