Sergey Kartashov selects the best IT areas to contribute in 2021


IT technology has always been demanded and valued almost in every aspect of life. But in recent years, the IT has significantly improved as it is a constantly growing industry.

2020 year has brought great changes in the IT world because the lockdown in terms of coronavirus pandemic affected the way people work. Thus, it shifted many IT companies to work remotely, and other industries had to learn to work online. Such a severe and big transformation in a working mode caused even more changes in the mindset of people around the world. Sergey Kartashov, the Cypriot asset management company Generation Partners CEO, disclosed the IT directions essential in terms of global changes.

Cloud services

The global outbreak of coronavirus and introduced quarantine restrictions have forced companies, enterprises, and the whole country to leverage digital methods in order to keep up their business. Accordingly, they started to contribute more to cloud data centers and software as a service. Sergey Kartashov admitted that digitalization affected the business world positively. It provides a range of advantages like reducing operating costs, saving on rent, energy consumption, and the acceleration in data processing.

AI and ML

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have become an integral part of running a business and building a closer relationship with customers. They are considered a key segment in the IT area. For example, giant companies like Google, Spotify, Netflix, Airbnb, and others use AI technologies to simplify people’s lives by offering interesting customized programs for networking, training courses, and entertainment. Sergey Kartashov especially notes that under quarantine restrictions, AI products enable specialists of different spheres to cope with their work remotely and get some assistance carried out automatically.

Entertainment services

The businessman advises selecting three essential areas into one group. They are video technology, home service startups, and the gaming industry. These areas have become highly valued among people due to the coronavirus pandemic. Being isolated, they could make their leisure time and enjoy what they adore through cutting-edge technologies available to everyone. Sergey Kartashov assures that such an impact of AI on every industry will make people’s pastimes more attractive and thrilling and reveal more opportunities to business leaders to succeed in the area they work. The world has gradually changed its attitude to the IT industry. If the pandemic is temporary, then the level of life will be changing by keeping pace with time.

Popular doesn’t mean perfect

When it comes to trends, every investment should be accounted for in the technical aspect as well. It is not enough to define the trend itself. It requires meticulous work on looking through the company’s history, its business plan, determining worthy promising projects, and other factors. Kartashov underlies that the business world can face so-called fly-by-night companies when giving popularity of one direction or another. Thus, the asset management companies focus on knowing the difference between such setbacks and winning projects.


Since the entire world turned to remote work, there are much more occasions on cyberattacks that 40% of companies had to confront due to research data. They are mainly recognized for phishing and malware. That’s why cybersecurity experts are in great demand in companies nowadays, noted Sergey Kartashov. This question is crucial for each organization to launch startups or promote their products by benefiting from high-tech. Thus, cybersecurity is essential in developing and implementing a business online.