Recent Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

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The great inventions by humans would proudly say that Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the best inventions. AI can learn things by itself and solve complex problems to make things much easier and accurate. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an algorithm that is made to simulate the feature of intelligence to learn things that can program the software language and rectify the issues by itself without any help of human intelligence. 

AI aims to learn things like Recognition- Facial recognition, Biometric, Reasoning- problem-solving abilities, Perception-Analyzing the language through syntax, Knowledge management and many more. AI is more than equals to Human intelligence because AI has productivity to learn the things to provide the best results. 

There are two basic kinds of AI: one is strong AI which deals with complex tasks and also simulates higher functions of the human brain and the other is weak AI which is to tackle simple and single task orientations. 

Latest Advancements

The emerging technology of AI brings a lot of applications in day-to-day life. AI deals in all kinds of domains such as computing, machine learning, health, economics, security, cyber-crimes, robotics, and many more. Let’s go further, to see some of the interesting advances in AI.

#1. COVID-19 vaccine development access to supercomputers

Recently, US White house officials announced about the research of COVID-19 High-Performance Computing consortium, affiliation with academic institutions, federal agencies, and industries to work on vaccine development access to supercomputers to eradicate the pandemic.

This collaboration made to release open-access project COVID-19 Open research Database from the National Institute of Health that includes data from more number of articles about SARS-CoV-2 available for AI analysis. Researchers are allowed to apply for access to run AI-assisted simulation of specific molecules related to vaccine development.

The researchers used the computers of S protein and human receptors, Angiotensin-Converting enzyme2 (ACE2) to identify how the virus is affecting the human cells and then they were ready to design a vaccine to stop this process.

#2. Machine learning is used to discover Antibiotic

Researchers say the antibiotic called Halicin is discovered by using AI. This Antibiotic can kill the most dangerous drug-resistant bacteria in the world. Researchers trained the deep learning algorithm to identify the molecules that inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli. They fed the program information on molecular and atomic features of 2,500 drugs and natural compounds. 

Tests that are collected from patients showed that the Halicin killed the bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis that causes TB, and a group of Enterobacteriaceae that are resistant to carbapenems, a group of antibiotics that are considered in the report for such infections. 

#3. AI predicts the severe weather 

When Forecasting the weather, meteorologists have to use several methods and data sources to track the weather by the shape of cloud formation to indicate severe storms. Now, researchers developed an algorithm based on machine learning that identifies the movement of clouds and analyses from the previous 50,000 satellite images. Researchers found that the comma-shaped clouds that indicate severe weather events are detected by the algorithm effectively with 99% accuracy. It was also able to predict 64% of severe weather events.

Recently, Google’s using AI innovation “nowcast” for predicting Weather forecasting and the spatial resolution of about 1 kilometer with a total latency of just 5-10 minutes.

#4. Emotional AI in the profession of nursing

Social robots are made to interact with humans. These social robots are now being used to replace the profession of a nurse. In recent news, Robots are used to serve food and medicine to COVID-19 infected patients in Chennai. This might help to reduce direct contact of Doctors/nurse so the virus does not infect them.

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Taking good care of patients by providing all the necessary requirements like food, water, medicine, books, etc. These robots help to protect the healthcare provider from infections.

#5. AI in Cybersecurity

AI is becoming an important issue in cybersecurity. A recent report says that two of three companies were adopting the methods of AI for strengthening cybersecurity. AI can efficiently identify user behaviors, deduce patterns, and abnormality in the network. AI will identify recurring incidents and also rectify them with a proper algorithm. It also manages the inside threats and device management. 

AI is used to update the database and identify the large scale movements. It helps to detect bugs and security flaws. It fixes the code errors that cause vulnerabilities. It also rectifies human errors in coding that can cause a data breach.

#6. AI in Education

In a recent report, AI in the education industry will grow by 47.5% by 2021. It offers to improve adaptive learning that enhances the student learning experience. Today’s students are bored to attend traditional classes as they are used to smart technology and want to experience a new way of learning. 

Virtual Reality in education
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AI came with smart automation platforms to improve the education industry. AI will make the administrative tasks easy with the help of automated grading tasks where multiple tests are allowed. AI helps to Concise the content in textbooks into a study guide, practice tests, and flashcards.


AI will significantly reduce the probability of human errors. It has the productivity to learn things by itself thus reduces the errors and brings good efficiency in work. The applications of AI were improving in the domains of Healthcare, Education, Technology, Business, and many more.

By lined article by: Keerthana

Keerthana works as a technical content writer at Mindmajix Technologies, technical education provider in Hyderabad.