The Path to Becoming an Identity Theft Expert – Where to Start?


Identity theft is a prevalent, global crime that can have lasting consequences for those it affects. Identity thieves steal personal information such as social security numbers, credit card numbers, and driver license numbers in order to commit fraud and steal from unsuspecting victims.

With the rise of data breaches and hacking incidents on individuals and organizations alike, it’s important to stay up-to-date on ways to protect your identity. If you are looking for a career in cybersecurity, then becoming an identity theft expert is the path for you. Here are some ways to get started on your path to becoming an identity theft expert.

Introduction to Identity Theft: The Basics

The Center for Internet Security defines identity theft as, “the theft of another person’s information. This includes, but is not limited to, a person’s name, social security number, birth date, address, or bank account information.”

When fraud and theft are committed by identity thieves, they commit it under false pretenses. The victims are usually unaware of what has happened to their identity until it has already been done.

Many consumers turn to identity theft protection services from companies like IdentityGuard, to comprehensive security software that helps protect your personal data. If you are not using a fraud monitoring or reporting service, you can quickly become a victim of identity theft.

There are many types of identity theft. The most common types include, but are not limited to, credit card fraud, government, education, insurance, medical, and criminal records. Identity theft experts offer the public information on how to prevent these types of fraud from happening to them.

The Career Path for an Identity Theft Expert

This highly specialized job is in high demand in order to counter the rise of identity theft around the world. Identity theft experts obtain credentials from various organizations that range from online to offline.

An identity theft expert must possess strong technical and analytical skills. They also need to be able to analyze the fraud that is occurring and give a level of insight into the types of fraud that are occurring.

Other common credentials include CISSP, MCSE, and CCNA. These credentials are often required in order to be credentialed as an identity theft expert.

It’s important for individuals in the field to have strong interpersonal skills. Identifying the weaknesses in others and learning how to better the situation and come up with creative solutions is essential in the field.

Who hires identity theft experts?

Employers of identity theft experts typically work in financial services and law enforcement. Although the fields of law enforcement and financial services are very different, they both require a high level of expertise and a strong understanding of fraud and cybersecurity.

Often, individuals are hired to help local police departments prevent financial fraud and cybercrimes, while others are hired to protect clients of banks and other financial services institutions.

An identity theft expert can be a strong asset to many different types of organizations around the world. At a time when identity theft is a prevalent problem, employers and employees are always in need of individuals who are experienced in this field.

How to get started in an identity theft expert career?

The best way to get started on the path to a career in identity theft is by studying the subject from a variety of perspectives. Individuals who want to get a leg up in the field can enroll in classes or online courses on various aspects of identity theft.

An important aspect of identity theft consulting is being able to think like a blackhat criminal. This means learning how the fraudsters think, learning about their methods, and being able to share that information with the rest of the world.

Attending security summits and hackathon conferences where the experts in these fields present their information can also be a great way to get educated.

By becoming familiar with fraud techniques, the identity theft expert is better equipped to help prevent identity theft from happening.


Becoming an identity theft expert isn’t an easy road, but it can be a rewarding and financially secure path. There is always a demand for experts in this field, which is why anyone who can demonstrate their expertise is in high demand.

Don’t be discouraged if you aren’t quite ready to jump right into a career in identity theft. However, if you’re interested in the field of identity theft, you’re going to want to focus on cybersecurity courses, fraud prevention, and a bit of “undercover” research into how identity thieves operate on the dark web.