How Gergo Vari’s Lensa Is Shaping the Job Recruitment Scene With AI

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Considering the radical changes that have occurred regarding employee expectations over the past few years and the current labor shortage in the US, the importance of easy and effective job recruitment is now greater than ever. Traditional methods of trying to match job seekers with available job opportunities have failed to keep up with the high quit rate that has been plaguing all sectors of activity.

George Vari is not the only entrepreneur who has come along proposing a solution. But his is one that has caught our eye – and the eyes of millions of HR managers, recruitment agents, and job seekers alike. 

Dozens of online job portals have entered the market. And the competition is fierce. Only those job portals that respond quickly and effectively to the demands of both recruiters and job seekers alike will endure. Lensa has been around for over eight years now – and growing. Already, they have forged their place in the market, but only time will tell if their solution enables them to rise to the top and endure.

Who Is Gergo Vari?

Entrepreneur and founder of such companies as, e-Ventures,, and reprise, George Vari is a passionate advocate of technology and putting it to the service of HR and recruitment. As he puts it: “I have one mission: to revolutionize job search for companies and professionals.” 

He got his first taste of entrepreneurship when, as a child, he sold fruit from his grandfather’s orchard. As an adult, he founded several start-ups and then came to a career-altering realization: the hiring process is broken.

Georg Vari then went on to found Lensa, a start-up that offers a technological solution to the crisis in recruitment and the career marketplace.

Why Was Lensa Created?

In the early stages of online job search engines, platforms were created that merely mimicked the corkboard job offer solutions one could find at local universities, cafes, or in the classified of print newspapers. This changed nothing but simply continued to propagate a broken system.

In contrast, Lensa was launched with the idea to use technological advancements (notably in machine learning and AI) to make it easy for professionals to land the job they are ideal for. As they put it: “Technology is what enables us to drive more value to our job seekers.”

We’ve seen example after example of how AI can help improve sales, how it can offer more efficient customer service, and how AI can help healthcare professionals in diagnostic imaging. Lensa was created to apply similar technologies to the service of recruitment. 

How Is Lensa Different?

While it is possible to search Lensa for available job opportunities based on your location or desired position, Lensa aims to do far more for its users. Lensa’s AI-powered search engine combs millions of job offers analyzing the experience, skills, and credentials required to then match job seekers with job offers they are more likely to get and be successful in.

Furthermore, the AI-powered search engine also analyzes millions of resumes and identifies the academic background and career trajectory of each one. In this way, Lensa is able to steer job seekers to career paths they may not have otherwise considered. The insights gained by Lensa’s technologically advanced search engine thus not only help job seekers find jobs in the immediate, but they also orientate them more thoughtfully toward their long-term goals. 

The landscape of the labor market is currently undergoing major changes. More people than ever before are changing jobs, companies, and even careers, dropping out of one sector of activity to pursue employment in another. With the insights gained through AI’s analysis of big data, Lensa aims to be in a position to match job seekers with the best jobs for a career change.

The Impact

One of the main factors influencing the current labor shortage in the US is the unprecedentedly high quit rate among employees. Whether it’s remote work opportunities, shorter work weeks, or an overall improvement in the work-life balance, the demands and expectations of today’s workers have changed. And many companies are slow to adapt to these changes.

It’s not enough for a job seeker to land a job he or she is qualified for (though that’s a great place to start). But if companies are going to solve the larger problems brought on by the current labor shortage, it’s important that job seekers find jobs they will like and where they stand a high chance of being successful and want to stay.

Already, Lensa boasts over 10 million members. And a typical month consists of over 85 million job alerts delivered, 400,000 new registered members, and 175,000 resumes uploaded to their platform.