Indian Blogger Nirmalya Ghosh has Started ‘Awesome India’ to help Indians Know their Country Better

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    India is an amazing country with richness in its every aspect, be it politics, science & technology, education, healthcare, arts, history, culture, tradition and so on.

    Nirmalya Ghosh, an Indian blogger and digital marketer, has always been passionate about his country. This passion inspired him to create ‘Awesome India’ – a blog that provides news and information about India, related to different spheres.

    Nirmalya felt that while there are tons of websites and blogs out there that cover global news, there aren’t many blogs that offer information solely about India. With Awesome India, he aims to help Indians know their country better and stay updated about everything that happens in the country.

    What can you find in Awesome India?

    Awesome India has informative articles on a wide range of fields like business, health, science & technology, sports, travel, social, lifestyle and more.

    The blog helps you become updated with the happenings in India through its impactful news articles.

    Awesome India also helps the citizens of the nation come forward and help those in trouble due to natural disasters or other unfortunate incidents through its blogs.

    Established in 2015, Awesome India has gained a good recognition by people of the country over the years, and it receives 300-400 page views daily.

    Nirmalya has big dreams for Awesome India, aiming to make it one of the top Indian blogs in the near future.

    About the Founder – Nirmalya Ghosh

    Nirmalya GhoshNirmalya is a professional Digital Marketer with an experience of more than 8 years. After completing his graduation, he went for a PGDBA, following which he started his career as a Digital Marketer. He has worked with several reputed digital marketing companies over these 8 years and continues to work in an esteemed digital marketing agency.

    Nirmalya has always loved blogging and blogs during leisure. His love for blogging combined with his sense of belonging towards his country – India – sparked the idea of creating a blog dedicated solely to India. So, one fine day, he set up Awesome India.

    The journey hasn’t been smooth always, especially during the initial days after launching Awesome India, says Nirmalya. The low number of people coming to his blog used to be discouraging.

    However, he continued with his efforts to improve Awesome India and offer high-quality, informative content that’s actually useful for Indians.

    The results of his hard work started paying off after a few months, with Awesome India receiving about 300-400 visitors on a daily basis.

    It is also now a platform of choice for many Indian bloggers to share their articles with the masses.

    Summing Up

    Awesome India is steadily garnering the attention of people and is on its journey to reach new heights of success in the years to come. The founder of the blog is committed to offer the people of India a wide variety of the best quality content – all packed in a single platform – to help them know every facet of their country. To check out this wonderful blog, click here.