How Martial Art Management Software Can Help You Organized Your Martial Art Club Business?


Not too long ago most martial arts studios would have all their schedules printed on paper, their billing would mostly be on paper and calendar would mean a physical calendar on one of the walls. The studios that embraced technology would at the most have all their data on excel sheets. Thankfully all that has changed with the advent of technology as we see more studios turn to martial arts management software to bring in efficiency into their who process, cut down on the non-productive tasks and most importantly take a more professional approach towards running their business.

The advent of technology into classrooms and training academies isn’t new. Over the last decade or so we have seen the use of class management software in the field of education. Institutions that have embraced software have benefited immensely. It was only a matter of time before the software developers turned their attention towards non-educational training and now we see a plethora of  management software that are being used everywhere from dance studios to sports training academies. Martial arts management software is a tailored version of classroom management software that addressees the unique needs of martial arts training studios.

There are a few questions that are likely to come to your mind at this moment. How would martial arts studio software benefit you? How would it improve your productivity and profits? Why studios that have adopted this technology are singing praises about them? Let’s try and answer some of these questions that will convince you to choose a martial arts billing software for your studio.

It cuts down on admin task…        
How many hours do you spend on admin jobs? You’d agree to the fact that you can spend this productive time in a more meaningful way to market your business or help your instructors with the classes. Most studio owners can’t take their eyes off admin tasks and this can often mean that you don’t pay enough attention to your core businesses. The least a martial arts management software does is frees you from mundane and repetitive jobs. You’ll have more time to dedicate towards your students and this can go a long way in taking your studio to greater heights.

Single database for all information…          
Do you have a physical register for your students’ details such as contact information? Are you keeping all the billing information on a spread sheet? Are you counting attendance on pieces of paper? All this can make the job of running a studio pretty cumbersome. When you choose to implement a studio management tool you can bid goodbye to multiple registers and excel sheets. All that you need to know about your students and instructors would be available on a single database. From enrolment information to progress report of the students everything that you’d like to know shall be few clicks away.

Scheduling becomes a piece of cake…         
Scheduling might have seemed an easy job when you started with a dozen students and few instructors. But as the size of your team grows along with the number of students scheduling can become a challenge. For studios that run different levels of training programs the complexity increases. This is where martial arts studio software makes scheduling a cakewalk. You can create schedules easily on an intuitive dashboard and the same would be passed on to the instructors and your students. You have the freedom to make changes and all the concerned parties would be informed about the same in real-time.

Ease of access to those concerned…           
Martial arts studio software allows you to offer easy access to everyone concerned. You can offer access to your students or their parents to let them keep track of the progress and performance. Similarly you can allow your staff members to access the system in order to update the progress report of the students or alter the schedule of the sessions. You will have complete control over the areas of the software that individual can access along with the permission to edit and alter content.

Don’t mess with bills anymore…   
Have you missed billing your clients on time? Have you made errors while generating an invoice due to oversight? If you have been around in running a martial arts studio for long you’d have surely had your share of bad experience with billing. By embracing technology you’d able to put all that behind as the billing module in your studio management software shall let you create your invoices in seconds.  If you wish to apply discounts for your clients the same can easily be done from within the tool making the process completely error-free.  You will also have the option of customizing your invoice by adding your brand name and logo to create a strong impression in front of your clients.

Communicate seamlessly…            
How do you communicate with your students and instructors? Do you use text messages or third-party email tools? While they are handy as far as communication is concerned you’d have to perform repetitive tasks on most occasions or keep forwarding the same text message to different students and instructor. A centralized communication tool shall save you from such woes. Today’ studio management software come with integrated communication tool that let you send email and text messages from within the same dashboard. Whether it is information for all your students or one that needs to be sent out to small groups or individuals you can do so easily from within the software. That’s not all the email tools come with mail tracking feature that lets you know if the email has been viewed by the recipient.

To sum up you can clearly see the benefits of embracing martial arts management software into your studio. It will help in boosting productivity and take your studio ahead of competition. We are living in a mobile age where technology has made deep inroads into our lives. Martial arts studio software serves as the perfect bridge between your studio and high levels of client satisfaction.

About Author: Matt is a software developer who has been involved in the development of martial arts management software. He has closely worked with educational institutions and other training academies to tailor the features in the software to address the niche needs of the industry. As a regular blogger he writes about classroom management tools, software development and technology in general.