How 5G Will Impact the Online Gaming Community

5G Technology illustration with city highlights

Anyone who chooses to keep up to date with the latest technology-related news is likely aware that 5G wireless connectivity is here to stay. Although it seems as if 4G services were only introduced a handful of years ago, 5G speeds are set to truly revolutionise the ways in which we connect to the digital community. Whether you wish to follow the latest online casino blogs or you instead choose to enjoy many of the fast-paced games that these portals have to offer, it is important to appreciate how 5G will affect the end-user experience as well as the virtual gaming community as a whole.

Reliable Connection Speeds and Enhanced End-User Options

One of the issues which has tended to plague smartphones since their inception during the latter half of the 1990s is that connectivity can be frustratingly slow on occasion. We are not only referring to challenges while away from a reliable wireless access point. There are also instances when the volume of traffic can cause games to freeze, buffer or otherwise lag. Although this might not be a problem for simpler platforms such as solitaire, what if you are instead interacting with a live poker dealer and your connection is suddenly lost? This can be a maddening scenario and on occasion, you even may lose the entire hand. Thankfully, 5G is set to all but eliminate such situations.

Also, users will be able to customise their overall gaming experiences thanks to how the software itself is continuing to advance. From targeted advertisements to offers specifically correlating with past playing history, this is great news for anyone who is keep to remain up to date with the latest offerings. However, we should also point out that major developers such as NetEnt and Microgaming are likely to face some interesting challenges in the near future.

Adjusting to a Changing Climate

5G speeds signify that clients will begin to expect more out of the gaming providers themselves. As mentioned in the previous section, live dealer interfaces are perfect examples of how this industry is beginning to embrace a more “human” feel when compared to the past. More lifelike graphics and even the slow introduction of AI into common algorithms are likewise set to make an impact across the industry.

This brings up an important question. Will some developers be able to cope better than others? While larger firms are likely to remain one step ahead of the curve, the same cannot be said for start-up organisations which have just begun to enjoy a strong base of online followers. Some may even be forced by the wayside as a direct result and yet, only time will tell.

5G connectivity is set to be rolled out in stages; metropolitan areas being provided with access sooner than more rural locations. However, it is a foregone conclusion that the majority of the global population will be relying upon this form of communications in the near future. This is why the online gaming industry should largely benefit as a result.