How to Hire the Best Web Designer for Your Next Project?

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Image source: Dribble

Hiring the correct web designer is the most crucial decision for your creating or upholding your business identity. Indeed by now, you know that it isn’t an easy task to execute with all the uncertainties involved in finding one. But all things aside, if you are looking for the best web development services, you are at the right place. In this article, I’m going to walk you through the steps on how to hire the best web designer for your next project:

Step 1: Research on the Project Niche in Details

Gather as much idea as possible about your niche so that you can ask the right questions to your designer. It is essential to be convinced by your designer’s work and understand his vision with your project.

Study your business niche, know your customer’s need, and analyze your competitors thoroughly – these are the things you need to do to create a conversation with your designer and build on the trust. In this way, you know what you will receive even if he/she delays the delivery date. 

So, here’s your answer – start asking questions to explore the designer’s insight on your project with a series of questions, conversations, and follow-ups. It will allow you to understand how much time he/she had spent to understand your project. A reasonable balance is to spend at least 12 hours for research and 5-10 hours of conversation.

Step 2: Knowing the Estimated Time Required to Complete the Project

Starting with the right ideas is essential. At the same time, it is essential to finish the project while the ideas are still hot. Your chosen designer may also be concurrently working on 2 other projects, which means you will have his/her divided attention right from the start.

So, before deep diving or committing to starting a project, ask your designer if he/she can commit a dedicated amount of time to create your website.

Step 3: Estimate the Project Budget

It is essential to know – how much does this project mean to you? You need to know this to get a clear idea of how much you are willing to invest in it to get the best ROI. And so, I’d recommend you to keep a ballpark figure in mind after you’ve concluded end-to-end research on your project.

Sometimes, the project may need multiple editing or added requirement after starting the work. As a result, the designer may charge extra amounts for the work they put into work on your new requirements. Ensure to have a safe way out of getting into a conflict with your developer and clear these things beforehand.

A smart thing to do is keep the multiple edits and changing requirements as a separate project to discuss after the first one is successful.

Step 4: Start Looking for Web Designers in the Common Marketplaces

With a budget limit in mind, it would be easier to pick the right designer. And the best way to reduce your options is to post a detailed requirement of your project in common marketplaces like – Upwork, Fiverr, etc.

Choosing the best freelance web designer within budget depends on many variables like – work experience, reputation, geolocation of the designer, and more. 

Step 4: Thorough Communication and Explaining the Visual Aesthetics

This is an open-ended question for the designer that he/she has to explain with words so that you can understand how is trying to approach the project problems. So, the question is, how do you approach the design process?

Remember just one thing – your website should be able to tell a story to your customers. And your designer should be able to explain it from a customer’s perspective and its usability. So, with that in mind, listen to your designer and watch out for those keywords. If you cross them early in your conversation, you are one step to confirming that he/she is the perfect designer for you.

Step 5: Discussing the Technologies and the Technical Maintenances

A significant part of your budget will depend on what technology stack you want to implement in your project. Therefore, it is vital to choose the right person for this part of the work effectively so that your website remains stable and bug-free for a long time.

Besides, it would help if you chose someone who is comfortable with your preferred tech stack and has been working on it for at least two years or at least he/she knows the best industry practices. It is essential because you may need to hire another developer to solve a temporary problem if your principal designer isn’t available. Alternately, you may also discuss it with your designer while working on the project.

To Summarize

Here is a compiled list of things to do to hire the best web designer for your project. I believe that adequately doing these things will pay you tenfold and save you from a lot of unnecessary tension and anger issues once you’ve perfectly completed one project.