Best Cross-Platform Mobile App Development Tools to Try in 2021

Reactnative app development

According to the goal of a future mobile application, one can select two development paths- one is a cross platform app and another one is a native application. A cross platform application is the right solution when you have a small budget and limited time. Another reason to use a cross platform app is if your company requires a simple application that doesn’t include complex functions and animations.

To come up with the cross platform app development process a little bit easy developers have invented special frameworks. This app framework will allow the developer to come up with a mobile application that has one time coding and not much change happens with it. Presently, there are plenty of cross platform frameworks available for mobile application development that will help to create quality apps.

This article will talk about the 8 popular cross platform development frameworks. Let’s consider them. 

1. React Native

React Native is one of the popular cross-platform app development frameworks. This goes well with both Android and IOS. This is created with Facebook Inc and it’s continuously improving to this date. This framework is based on React and doesn’t include HTML or WebView technology. There are some of the platform components included like JSX. With this, there is no DOM API. It comprises the great features of React.JS and JavaScript. Along with it, React Native provides the capability to the developer to use various parts of Java, Swift, and Objective C.

Benefits of React Native

  • Their major focus is on UI and allows the developer to come up with a responsive interface.
  • They allow different platforms to create applications such as IOS, Windows, Android, Web, and UWP.
  • React native is open source thanks as the big community supports them and also helps them to resolve issues if any.

2. Xamarin

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This is the same as that of react native as it is an open source and free cross platform app framework. This framework was developed in 2011 but after five years, it was acquired by Microsoft.

Xamarin is different when compared with other cross-platform frameworks. This is formed on open-source implementation with respect to the .NET platform- Mono. This framework also includes C# compiler and core.NET libraries. Xamarin focus is to allow programs written in accordance with the C# to run systematically on operating systems apart from the platforms like Mac OS, Windows, and others.

There are several components included in this framework which includes:

  • Compiler for both Android and IOS.
  • Plug-in used for the visual studio.
  • .NET framework

Benefits of Xamarin

  • It comprises an open source and free framework.
  • This framework is easy to use, unlike other cross app development frameworks.
  • This comprises a large community of contributors and companies.

3. NativeScript

NativeScript is an open-source cross-platform development framework with the social media marketing strategy that helps to create different cross-platform applications with the use of JavaScript, CSS, and XML. Apart from JavaScript, NativeScript is also built by using different languages that transpile to JavaScript. Along with this, it also supports Vue.js. and AngularJS. This is perfectly suitable for both Android and IOS platforms. While using some other cross-platform framework, you need to add some of the plug-ins to properly use GPS and camera but in this framework; you don’t need to install such plug-ins.

Benefits of NativeScript

  • It supports both the native methods to the native libraries.
  • This app development framework requires a native platform instead of WebView which states this is purely a native user interface.
  • It supports all the components be it Cocoapods or Android Arsenal.

4. PhoneGap

The next cross-platform application development framework is Phonegap. This website marketing strategy was created in 2005 by Nitobi Software. After 6 years in 2011, this was purchased by Adobe. This app development framework is entirely based on CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript. With this, PhoneGap is used for both the app and web developers. Along with it, it entirely supports other platforms such as Blackberry, IOS, Bada, Windows, and Android.

PhoneGap comprises a strong backend system which generally speeds up the process of development. This application is perfectly suited for the simple mobile application which doesn’t include extensive mobile phone features.

Benefits of PhoneGap

  • This is powered with CSS3, HTML5, and JavaScript; these are some of the popular and used web technologies.
  • When an application is developed by using this framework then it shows the minimum difference on various platforms.
  • All the mobile application developers can easily make use of legacy JavaScript and other libraries which include Sencha Touch, Prototype, and other different managed interactions.

5. Flutter

Image source: Codemagic

If you are looking for a young cross-platform application framework, then Flutter is the right choice. The release date of the application is May 2017 as a free-open source cross-network platform. You are allowed to develop a mobile application with different uses and features. It is using data programming languages and different from many other cross-platform in modern times. JavaScript is not compatible at all with flutter. The collection of information about it is essential to meet the desired results.

With a hot-reload at flutter, there is a modification of your code, and results are visible in real-time. It will take a few moments to update the application itself. The building of the cross-platforms for different mobile apps like iOS and Android is possible.

Benefits of the application

  • Flutter is creating fast and highly efficient mobile applications for working. There is noticeable performance available and more gains in comparison to another cross-platform application.
  • Flutter has different graphics as there is no need to interface separately for Android and iOS. The results of the graphics are great for mobile applications.
  • The data is allowing much more structured program code. The creation of complex applications is possible with hierarchical structures.

6. Ionic

Ionic is another open-source, cross-platform framework available for applications. The original version’s release date was in 2013, and it is built on top of AngularJS and Apache Cordova. There is a following of the Cordova principles, and the building of mobile applications is with the Ionic framework.

The running of the framework is possible on a special shell on mobile phones. It will include hybrid HTML applications. The application will allow you to display HTML and execute JavaScript on the mobile phones of the users.

Benefits of the Ionic

  • There is more knowledge of Angular, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is essential to know about them to develop and get started in mobile applications.
  • Many ready-made UI components are available for you. They are ready to use for users for mobile applications.
  • There are lots of plugins to use the native features of a mobile phone.

7. Node.js

Node.js is a V8-based cross-platform framework. The transformation into JavaScript from a highly specialized language to a general language is possible. There is providing of a server-side runtime that is compiling and running at lightning speed. The V8 engines will convert JavaScript to machine code to have the desired results. The interpretation and analysis, and execution of it are simple and easy for users. As a result, a fast speed is available to the users.

Benefits of the application

  • There is constantly pushing of the boundaries and one of the best dynamic language interpretations on the planet.
  • The execution of the database queries is possible at once. There is slowing or reducing response time for slow requests at the cross-platform framework.
  • Node js will have a huge community.

8. Solar 2D (Corona SDK)

It is a well-known and completely free open-source cross-platform application framework. But, no longer is support available through the game developers. The newest version is known as Solar2D.

Like its predecessor, it a free, open-source platform framework available for new games. The compatibility is possible on different devices like iPhones, Android phones, and tablets. The gathering of information about it is essential.

Benefits of the application

  • It is based on the Lua scripting language. As a result, it is becoming a fast and powerful tool.
  • There is support available from a lot of plug-ins. The advertising and analytics media support is also available.


In a nutshell, it is the list of the best cross-platform framework applications. Their descriptions and the advantages are available for you. You can prepare a CRM strategy for building relationships with the customers and informing them about the characteristics. The fulfilment of the requirement of the project is possible.