Check Out Top Most Expensive iOS App For iPhone In 2019


Wondering which are the most expensive ios apps? Then, just have a look at the below-mentioned apps that are too expensive for a common man to buy. This list brought to you by Technographx is a mix of apps serving different purposes. 

Let us have a look at them.

VIP Black

This app is one of the most expensive iOS apps available on the App Store. This app is not updated since May 2014 but it is still available today. It is dubbed as the first premium lifestyle management app of the world. Its price is 999$.

The app requires the users to confirm that they are “High Net Worth Individuals” and are having the assets or the income of at least one million pounds. That is not a big deal to show that you are capable enough to buy it as you are spending $1,000 on a lifestyle app.


This app is a professional piano tuning app. Its cost is higher than what many averages to good electronic keyboards cost. The development of this app is going on for three years including one year of rigorous testing conducted by music professionals all over the world. The price of this app is 999.99$.

This app will let you tune the piano exactly the way you want it to be. It is both easy to use and flexible enough so this app is all you need if you are looking for sophisticated technology in piano tuning. The price of 999.99$ may have shocked you a lot but get ready to get shocked more as the users have to pay another $79.99 every year for CyberCare to get the upgrades.


The app called app.Cash claims to be the stylish cashier system for all purpose. This cashier app is also available at the rate of 999.99$. The app is updated recently and some of the users are happily taking the orders through the iPhones and then printing the receipts with the printers.


This app is made for dentists and it costs 499.99$. The main use of the app is to help the patients to gain a better visual understanding of the treatments and certain dental conditions. The app comes with 37 different audio tracks so that the dentists can give the best presentation to their patients.

This advanced tool helps the dentists to bridge the gap between them and the patients. This helps the knowledgeable dentists to communicate easily with the uninformed patients and convince them to make the best decisions for their oral health.


Are you planning to make the best career in agronomy then this app called the Agro will help you in the best way possible. If you are planning to figure out how you can use the plants in the best way for benefiting humanity, then this app can help you with that. This app has been designed in the perfect way for the agronomists to learn each and every subject of the field in detail.

The price of this app is 299.99$. The app allows the agronomists to manage all their client details, automate much of the manual work, and complete tailored inspection reports. The app saves much time of the users and according to the app description, the agronomists who make use of it save up to 15 hours a week. It is proved by the larger corporations that have used the application.

TouchChat AAC with WordPower9

This wonderful app is a boon for the people who are suffering from autism, down syndrome, ALS, and other conditions. This app allows them to communicate easily and clearly as they are not able to do with their natural voice. The app comes with a series of vocabularies that makes the communication process easy and intuitive.

The other benefit that the app provides to the users is the customization. The users are able to rearrange and copy buttons however they want. The app integrates with social apps like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and iMessage so that the users are able to share text-based messages that they’ve generated.

So, these were the most expensive iOS apps that are available on the app store. All of them are really amazing, buy the one that you can truly afford!