How to build your domain authority from scratch

Build domain authority illustrative image

It seems that the domain authority is one of the more significant factors Google uses to determine the search engine ranking. Moz is used to determine domain authority. When you increase your domain authority, you can get higher rankings in the SERPs and receive more traffic from search engines.

Domain authority is also an essential metric for measuring SEO efforts and comparing a website strength to your competitors. So how can you build your domain authority from scratch? Before we discuss this question, you must know what domain authority is.

Domain authority – What is it?

Domain Authority is a system through which you can check the search engine score of your website. The domain authority concept is often associated with Google, but the term was developed by a Moz company, making SEO software.

The Domain Authority score indicates the strength of a website’s ranking in the search engines. In short, Moz has been used to calculate search engine scores.

How can you check DA?

Check your domain authority with a domain authority checker tool. In this way, Moz is the best place to check the domain authority of your website. They have a free tool to help you find out the management of your domains. You can avail this opportunity to explore your DA score. When you open Moz Pro, the first interface has a section or entering URL of your website.

Moz DA checker screen

When you enter the URL of your website into the search box and click on the analyze option, after a few seconds, you will find your DA score on the screen. It will offer a score, the number of anchors, keyword position, and spam on your site. You will also find out a list of your highest authority pages that link to your website. The first shows your high authority pages by links and known as page authority. As you move downward, you will get more information about search engine scoring. As Moz have limited searches on the free version you may use a third party free DA PA checker that uses premium Moz APIs.

Best 7 tips to build domain authority through scratch

As you know that the domain authority plays an indirect role in SEO. You have to consider an essential factor while building your site and ranking on the first page. No doubt older sites have higher authority and more extended backlink profile, so catching up will be difficult. Of Course, it is difficult but not impossible. If you use the best strategies and tips at the right time with total energy, you will overcome them. I do not mean to say that it will be easy. So, don’t expect immediate traffic on your website, and this process takes time because SEO is a long process and demands hard work.

So now I am here with the best seven practices for building domain authority from scratch. You have to follow these tips and tricks to start building domain authority as soon as possible.

1. Start with the best content creation

In building domain authority, content creation plays an important role. Excellent content creation will be a tremendous asset in building domain authority and allow you to keep the main pages in an organized manner on your site.

When you create new opportunities to make some fresh and different content for your audience, Google loves this, attracting your target audience and providing new backlinks for you.

Contrary to popular belief, content does not mean creating something just for the sake of making something. Neither does it mean taking others’ work and making it your own.

The content you create must be relevant to people’s needs, and you have to focus on what the audience is searching for if you want to improve your authority on Google (or improve your ranking at all).

While you are writing, there are some obvious things. By following these tips, you will be able to write great content, so you have to focus on, as

  • Choose a topics
  • Do Competitive research about it.
  • Find target keywords
  • Make a plan how you will write on target keywords about a specific topic.
  • Create plagiarism free content
  • Free from any grammatical mistakes
  • Well structured content
  • Search Engine Optimization of content.
  • Good content contains all these crucial components to grab the attraction of the reader. Moreover, have images, videos, and infographics.
  • Word Count:

When your page isn’t full of information, your audience will move to other sites to find their queries. Word count is too crucial when you are dealing with SEO. It is essential to write appropriate lengths for your posts to optimize all SEO strategies. Here are some reasons to manage the size of your posts.

  • Provide your reader with complete information about a topic.
  • Increase the authority of your content
  • Avoid TL: DR (too long: didn’t read) factor
  • Keep your reader in touch.

Here are some word count limits you have to consider while you are creating content.

  • Google will not be able to find content with fewer than 300 words.
  • The first page of Google’s search isn’t going to include less than 1000 words.
  • When other writers are writing about something, you are not competitive if it is below 2000.

2. Check your competitors’ websites

Even if the competition is not a direct competitor, you may still need to compete for website traffic. So check all those websites that are your competitors.

Develop your chosen keyword out into a longer phrase if this is outperforming you on this topic. Use Ahref’s; to do a detailed audit of your competitor. By doing this you’ll have idea of SEO strategies that your competitor is applying.

Your content will only be consumed by those who have already searched for it. In this way, you can boost your organic traffic and build your domain authority from scratch.

3. Build links

If you are trying to improve your domain authority, the first thing you must focus upon is link building, as this is a critical quality factor that Google considers. There are two types of link building as external linking and internal linking. When you build links to other sites in your content.

Since Google notices this, Google thinks you are trustworthy and have something to offer if other high-authority sites trust you. Therefore, it is always a good idea to create great content and build links to your content.


Nowadays, it is not easy to get traffic on a website by utilizing SEO tactics, including both on-page and off-page approaches. The biggest challenge is building traffic to your website and building a community or connection for your site and blog. To gain organic traffic and followings, you need to drive traffic and make your name well known. The best technique to get organic traffic to your website or blog is backlinking.

Linking one blog or site to another is known as backlinking. It is an essential part of gaining readers or traffic to your blog. It is necessary to keep your blog or website relevant by getting high-quality backlinks for it. Guest posting is a fantastic way to do this.

How does a guest post work?

Quickly building your domain authority is easier with guest postings because they offer you links from several high-authority sites. The process of guest posting involves writing content for another website or blog.

Guest posting can result in a high level of traffic to your site as well as high-quality backlinks.

Investing in paid content creation on high authority websites is an effective way to raise domain authority. Guest posting is also an effective method to grow domain authority.

When you share your content on other websites, you build relationships, authority, and links.

Steps as:

  • You create a good quality content
  • Make sure it is on a relevant website
  • Get backlinks back to your blog/research/profile/company.
  • Build inbound links to your content

When you have created unique or click-worthy content, the next step is to share it. People who read content are more likely to be found by search engines. They scroll down throughout your content, read it to the end, engage, and click through to something else.

Therefore, you should not wait for someone else to search your content on Google. You have to share it in places on your site where people are interested. People will start sharing your content on different social networks if your content is worth sharing. It is known as organic link building.

4. Develop solid SEO strategies

Proper Search Engine Optimization is necessary for your On-page- content. Optimizing your page titles, image alt tags, content, and even your URLs is crucial to Google search ranking and your domain authority.

Additional strategies include including keywords, maintaining short permalinks, and creating a new section for new posts.

Content of good quality and relevance is also another way to increase search rankings. While working on SEO, focus on target keywords and also consider people questions.

When you conduct competitive research about keywords, you will find topic-related keywords. You can make solid decisions about keyword distribution throughout the content based on keyword volume search intent and relevance; for keyword research, use SEMRush and Neil Patel word suggestions.

Also, consider all the below obvious things While you are doing SEO of your content.

  • The length of the title contains 65 characters
  • The meta description contains 150 to 160 characters
  • H1, H2, H3 tags include targeted keywords
  • The size of the URL comprises 25 characters
  • Content readability is about 75%
  • H1 tag present in content
  • Your word count will be above 2000

SEO Tips for Beginners

For those who are new to SEO, here are a few tips:

  • Install the Yoast plugin if you are using WordPress, and do not publish your content until all sections are marked green.
  • To explore more about SEO and increase traffic on your site, sign up to get Neil Patel email.
  • The more shared internally, the more people will see it and get in touch with it.

Proper SEO of your content, especially on-page SEO, help in building authority 

5. Delete all Bad & Toxic Links

Your link profile will scan by every once in a while, looking for harmful or toxic backlinks. It will help you remove any links that could potentially hurt your domain authority rather than helping it.

You should also delete or remove all those links leading to bad sites or broken links posted throughout your site, as these will have the same effect. But it is not easy to check all links throughout your website. There is also a solution to this problem, and you can use SEOPressor Link Manager to manage links throughout your website.

It can be not easy to check each link on your website. SEOPressor will help you out here by letting you manage all of your links in one position so that you do not have to check them individually. The Link Manager itself allows you to determine whether your link breaks or not.

6. Make sure your site is crawlable.

If Google cannot crawl your website, there will be a chance that Google will miss out on all the valuable content, and that will hurt your rankings in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, Moz may also have the same issues, which may adversely affect your domain authority score. So, you have to avoid Crawlability Issues if you want to boost your domain authority. 

If there are Crawlability issues in your websites, you will not get all SEO points. So the removal of these issues is too essential a ranking factor. You have to regularly monitor your site to avoid confusing redirects, toxic backlinks, or copied content. For this purpose, you can use SEMRush, but Moz is the best option at all.

7. Optimize Your Social Existence

Both Moz and Google metric for determining domain authority consider social signals such as likes, retweets, and shares of your content.

Social networking site illustration
Image source:

This ranking factor makes a difference but is not as important as other factors like backlinks and Crawlability. Hence, you also have to consider this tip if you are looking to improve your domain authority score as quickly as possible because it will bring organic traffic to your website.

You will gain more traffic to your site and boost your authority score by increasing the social proof on your content and benefit both your business and your authority score.

Having a solid social media following is one of the best ways to grow your domain authority, so if you are struggling with your domain authority, you can use this to boost your traffic on your site.

Make sure your content is so much click-worthy containing infographics, images, engaging and informative descriptions about a specific topic, and adding a CTA. For example, “here is a tool-free to use” Click here to avail this opportunity.

Checking Progress

Check your site traffic on Google Analytics and Google Search Console after implementing these changes to determine if your efforts have had an impact. You can also find which search terms brought people to your site.

You can see Search queries within Google Analytics without leaving the website by integrating Google Search Console. Writing about phrases associated with high-ranking keywords will help you promote the website. So, your domain authority increases as your traffic increases.


Above are seven recommended tips that you have to follow to get organic traffic on your website and build your domain authority.  Although the domain authority score in some cases has increased, it has not in others, but the traffic and conversions testify for themselves.

You can do your search engine optimization strategies more accurately by evaluating your domain authority. It is possible to study the authority of a website and spam score, including your competitors, through using domain authorization. So Domain authority is significant for a lot of reasons.

By comparing your score to that of your competitors, you can measure the overall quality of your website. By identifying the domain authority of different sites, you can also discover other sites worth linking to in your content. In addition, all the above tips will help you in driving more traffic to your site.