Blockchain for Crypto-Startups: Investments & Crowdfunding


The year 2019 has shown that the crypto markets is becoming more transparent and digital technology is making a real profit. Does this mean that Blockchain startups have become more promising?

According to Gartner’s forecast, in 2023 the annual turnover of goods and services through Blockchain startups will exceed $ 2 trillion.

«IT leaders must prepare for the inevitable blockchain “spring” on the horizon, bringing with it core-enabling technologies and significant opportunities for digital business.»

Blockchain is the basis for thousands of promising crypto projects and is applicable in all areas: IT, insurance, medicine, public administration, real estate, tourism, finance, logistics, ecology, etc.

In the first half of 2019, the total capitalization of the top 50 companies of the Crypto Valley Blockchain Association doubled and exceeded $ 40 billion.

The hype around the Blockchain in 2018 was replaced by a more civilized approach. Major analytical agencies, including PwC, Ernst&Young and Gartner, have joined the industry. This is also evidenced by the active interest from IBM, Google, Apple, Amazon, FB, Cisco, Oracle and others.

  • In real estate, the transfer of the owner register to the Blockchainis actively developed:ChromaWay in Sweden, Methods in England, Propy in the United States and Japan.
  • Lockheed Martin (one of the largest military contractors) is redesigning its cybersecurity based on the Blockchain.
  • Ford, Renault, BMW and GM form a coalition to jointly regulate automotive solutions on the blockade.
  • First American Title has converted real estate insurance in the U.S. to a siege.
  • Nasdaq Private Market, TokenFactory and Sharepost work with nft token companies to issue tokens and sell their shares in the markets.
  • The turnover of Sharepost working with venture investors this summer 2019 has already exceeded $ 5 billion.

When searching for an investment object, it is important to remember that not every startup is necessarily successful. Using a Blockchain makes sense if it corresponds to at least half of the following points:

  1. Increases productivity
  2. Makes it radically easier to work together
  3. Shortens the chain of intermediaries
  4. Increases participants’ confidence and system security
  5. Savesresources

It is necessary to take into account how much the strengths of the Blockchain are realized – safety, scalability and stability.Monetization should not go to the detriment of network scalability – good founders are configured for maximum decentralization to the detriment of personal ambitions or profit. There should be a logical management technology and common rules for all community members.

Explore a comprehensive analysis of crypto markets such as ICOs, STOs, IEOs and TGEs. This infographic contains all the important events that took place at the turn of 2018 and 2019:

Blockchain for Crypto-Startups @Proche