Angular Best Practices: The Complete Guide For Senior Angular Developers


Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework used for developing frontend applications. Angular is a structural framework which is maintained by Google and the community of developers. Angular best practices are a set of guidelines which can help you to build robust, scalable and maintainable web applications. Every developer should follow Angular best practices for developing performant apps; if you want to know more about Angular best practices, read on!

In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of Angular best practices that can help you build robust, scalable and maintainable web applications.

Importance Of Angular Best Practices

Angular best practices are important because they help developers build apps faster and more efficiently. They also help reduce the cost of development by cutting down on the time it takes to develop an app.

Best practices for Angular are not just about using certain technologies or tools – they are about creating a product that can be easily maintained and scaled as an organisation grows.

Top Angular Best Practices To Implement In Your Angular Project

#1 Use Angular CLI

Angular CLI is an open-source tool that has been designed to help developers build Angular applications with ease. It is a command-line interface that helps developers create, build, and deploy Angular applications. It eliminates the hassle of writing a lot of code by taking care of tedious tasks such as installing packages, running tests, and compiling templates.

The Angular CLI also helps in building reusable components and libraries which can be reused in other projects or across different platforms. These components can be used for building directives, pipes, services etc.

Installation code

# Install Angular CLI

npm install -g @angular/CLI

# Check Angular CLI version

ng version

Angular CLI commands

  • ng new – To create an app
  • ng generate – To generate components, services, routes, and pipes with test shells
  • ng serve – To test the app in development phase itself
  • ng test – To start testing an app
  • ng lint – To lint the angular code
  • ng add @angular/PWA – To start the setting of Angular service worker

#2 A Proper Folder Structure

In order to make your Angular project more organised and efficient, you should use proper folder structure. This will allow you to easily find files and components when you need to update or modify them.

As the application grows, it becomes difficult to manage everything without proper folder structure. A proper folder structure helps in organising files and keeping them neat and clean.

Folder nameFile name
appContains all the files related to the app’s code and its dependencies like libraries, stylesheets, etc.
configContains all the configuration files for your project like package.json, .gitignore, etc.
modulesContains all the modules for your application’s dependencies like angular, typings, etc.
publicContains all the files required by your app to be publicly accessible.

A sample of ideal folder structure

|– app

        |– modules

                |– home

                        |– [+] components

                        |– [+] pages

                        |– home-routing.module.ts

                        |– home.module.ts

        |– core

                |– [+] authentication

                |– [+] footer

                |– [+] guards

                |– [+] http

                |– [+] interceptors

                |– [+] mocks

                |– [+] services

                |– [+] header

                |– core.module.ts

                |– ensureModuleLoadedOnceGuard.ts

                |– logger.service.ts


        |– shared

                |– [+] components

                |– [+] directives

                |– [+] pipes

                |– [+] models


        |– [+] configs

|– assets

        |– scss

                |– [+] partials

                |– _base.scss

                |– styles.scss

#3 A Simplified Module Structure

When we are building an application with Angular, it is important to follow a few guidelines for structuring our code, modules and components. Here are some of the best practices for module structure that you should follow when building your application.

  • Avoid creating unnecessary files and folders in your project folder structure.
  • Organize your code into logical groups of files that correspond with the components they create or consume.
  • Create separate folders for each module or component in your app.
  • Create separate files for each module or component within its folder.
  • Make sure all the components have their own configuration file (usually called “appModule”).

#4 Angular Coding Best Practices

The following are some of the Angular coding practices that will help you develop efficient code:

  • Don’t Repeat Yourself: Writing code that is concise and readable is a top priority. Developers should avoid repeating code when it doesn’t add value to the logic.
  • Test Every Code Change: It’s important to have tests accompanying your work because it helps you create more robust, secure, and maintainable applications.
  • Override Render: Developers should try to override the render function of a component in order to change the view. This is important because you may want to render that component differently in some situations.
  • Use Dependency Injection: DI helps manage dependencies for the app, and it’s important to implement it correctly in order to reduce the amount of code you write.
  • Data Binding: If a value changes on one side of the binding, that update will be reflected on the other side. This is important because it keeps data synchronized in an application.
  • Use the Wrapper Pattern: The wrapper pattern is important for encapsulation and modularity. It allows changes to one module without affecting other modules, which helps with stability.
  • Be Cautious While Making Global changes: Global changes are not recommended because they can affect many different areas of an application.

#5 Lazy Loading

Lazy loading refers to loading only the components that are needed at a given point in time without downloading the entire application codebase into memory at once. The main benefits of lazy loading are faster load times and lower memory usage. The faster load time is due to the increased efficiency, which allows for a quicker app launch.

A more efficient app launch will reduce the loading time while also conserving some memory. In smaller applications, the benefits of lazy loading can be marginal. However, in larger applications that contain a lot of different modules and require a lot of data to be loaded at any given time, hence the benefits are significant.

#6 Differentiating Between Smart And Dumb Components

When you are working on a scalable Angular project, it is essential to know the difference between smart and dumb components because it will help you to structure your app effectively and create lighter Angular apps.

Following is the difference:

A smart component is a reusable Angular template with some backing code that enables the creation of dynamic input fields using data from the parent template. They act as containers for components that are bound to them in their template. You can use smart components to create input fields that automatically update when values are changed.

Dumb components are Angular components that have no logic associated with them. They are just a container for other components and don’t have any behaviour or template code associated with them.

Dumb components are a way to simplify your app without sacrificing features or performance. They are also a way for you to avoid having multiple files for each component, as well as make sure that your app’s architecture is more modularized and maintainable.

Final Verdict

This is all about angular best practices. By following these practices for Angular developers, we can assure that your app will be lighter, performant and responsive. If you want to hire Angular developers, then don’t look further; drop your inquiry with EnProwess and collaborate with an Experienced team of Angular developers.