Should You Buy a Biometric Safe?

A safe is one of the most secure places you can store your valuables. There are different types of safe to choose from. One of them is the biometric safe. You are probably here to get the answer to the question, should you buy a biometric safe?


A safe is one of the most secure places you can store your valuables. There are different types of safe to choose from. One of them is the biometric safe. You are probably here to get the answer to the question, should you buy a biometric safe?

Should You Buy a Biometric Safe?

Buying a biometric safe depends on your situation. According to Keep Guns Safe, there are a number of factors to take into consideration when purchasing a biometric safe, such as:

  • Accessibility
  • Size
  • Security
  • Electricity
  • Location
  • Cost

These are just some of the factors and some may be added based on your case. Hence, it’s important that you know what a biometric safe is and how it works. Decide whether it is the best option for your valuables or there is a better alternative.

How Biometric Safes Work

Biometrics refers to the use of a physical characteristic to identify a person. These safes, upon recognizing the biometrics, it gives access to the contents inside the safe. The physical characteristics that are commonly used for biometrics are:

  • Fingerprints
  • Eye retinal or iris structure
  • Facial recognition
  • Hand geometry

The most common biometrics used for safes are fingerprints. What’s great about fingerprints is that they can’t be imitated like, for example, face recognition or numerical code. 

A biometric safe needs electricity to work so you will either need to have a power supply or some batteries or a combination of both for a biometric safe to properly function.

Accessibility of Biometric Safe

A biometric safe is excellent when it comes to accessibility. Biometrics allows you to access the safe quickly. Biometrics are generally open 1 to 2 seconds after reading your physical pattern.

Compared to other safes where you have to locate the key, or remember a code, you can just access your safe with your fingerprints. It’s convenient and easy to do. However, it also has its limitations.

Because biometrics is only exclusive to you, you have to be the one to open the safe. Hence, if you’re in the hospital or away from home, your family may not have access to its contents. Although, there are “failsafe” keys too, which can then be compromised.

Security of Biometric Safe

Biometric safes are generally the same build construction as regular safes. Hence, they can be very heavy with steel as a material. Hence, there is not much difference from a regular safe except for the biometrics feature.

Some biometric safes also provide two or more locking features. It’s a great thing to have in case your biometrics malfunction or something went wrong. You can always have another option for opening your safe. 

Knowing you have a reliable biometric safe at home makes you feel safe that your valuables are out of reach from other people. Also, if you have guns at home, it will make you feel at ease that they are well-protected and out of reach from children.

Cost of Biometric Safe

If we’re talking about storing and keeping your valuables safe, then you should be ready to spend more. A cheap biometric safe may not last for a long time and may have faulty biometric scanners.

Getting an expensive biometric safe from a well-known brand or with high reviews pays off better in the long run. Safes are meant for long use and maybe even lifetime use. Hence, not cheaping out on it means you’ll only buy once.

Benefits of a Biometric Safe

To give you more of an overview and help you weigh in the pros and cons of getting a biometric safe, we’ve provided some of the benefits and downsides of getting a biometric safe.

  • Provides quicker access compared to other safes
  • Able to store more than one fingerprint (most biometric safes)
  • Can’t be opened by “lucky guessing” the combination
  • Most biometric safes provide fire and water protection
  • Most biometric safes have other options for access
  • Expensive biometric safes are a great investment in the long run

Downsides of Biometric Safe

  • Needs batteries or power supply in order to function
  • Biometrics technology on gun safes is still in its early development
  • The scanner may be sensitive and can’t identify your fingerprint
  • You can’t go cheap since the most reliable ones are generally expensive


If you want faster access to the contents inside your safe, then the biometric safe is for you. Make sure you choose the best quality ones since they can last you a lifetime.