How to Create a Timetable for JEE Studies for the Last 2 Months


JEE mains is one of the toughest competitive exams conducted in our country.

With almost two months left it is high time to end your two years-long preparation on a high note. The best way to do that is by creating a timetable and adhering to it. This will give you a clear vision of what areas you need to focus on and how to distribute your time accordingly. This is also the best time to revise all the concepts and Important questions for JEE mains.

We have created a timetable to help you ace this exam and prepare most effectively. This will help you cover all the concepts and formulas systematically. Remember it is very important to revise all the concepts otherwise, you might not be able to recall them all on the examination day.

No. OF Days Left For Preparation60
No. OF Topics For Physics25
No. OF Topics For Chemistry28
No. OF Topics For Mathematics16
  • As this table indicated that the number of topics to be revised is more than the number of days we have left for our preparation. That means we have to plan our revision accordingly so that every topic is covered by us.
  • Out of these 60 days, we will reserve ten days for giving mock tests and analyzing our weak points.
  • So, the total no. of days left for preparation is 50.
No. OF Days For Revising Topics50
Dedicated Days For Physics16
Dedicated Days For Chemistry18
Dedicated Days For Mathematics16
  • This table has been created keeping in mind the syllabus and the number of topics for each subject. Try to complete the syllabus for each subject in the allocated days.
  • Every topic will not be equally time-consuming, so note down your weak topics and try to spend more time revising them.

Now the most important part of this whole timetable is those 10 days which we have reserved for mock tests.

  • How to use the last 10 days effectively?

1] You will give a full-fledged mock test of 3 hours every 6th Day of the preparation schedule.

2] After giving the test we will get a good idea of how well you were able to revise the topics you have been doing for the past 5 days.

3] You will get a good idea of what topics you need to pay more attention to.

4] With every mock test you will get more clarity and know where you stand in your preparation.

  • What to do after giving the mocks?

1] Note down all the questions which were wrong and solve them.

2] Revise the topics again which are our weak points.

3] Analyse if you are able to manage your time well and complete the test in time.

4] Leave the topics which you feel aren’t productive enough for your time as you don’t need to complete 100% syllabus to clear the examination. Be smart about your preparation.

On the 60th Day, you will give the last mock and reflect upon how much you can progress during this time. Memorize the Important formulas and go through all the important questions again.

Important points which will help you in preparation for your Exam.

  1. Sleep and Diet – If you want to stay energetic and give your best effort every day it is very important to get 6-8 hours of sleep every day and follow a good nutritious diet. Eat foods that are high in healthy fats and make sure you get all the essential vitamins. Visit a doctor and start taking supplements to make sure you get all the essential vitamins and macronutrients.
  1. Work Smart – You need to realize one thing if you wish to ace this examination. You can’t cover 100% syllabus. It is important that you know which topics carry more weight and need more time to revise. You can leave a few topics which you feel are eating up too much time and making you sacrifice your overall preparation for the examination.
  1. Inorganic Chemistry – This subject requires you to memorize the topics and if you want to

score well you need to make sure that you are revising this subject daily. The more you will revise the better you will score here. Inorganic chemistry can make the difference of you passing the exam v/s getting a great rank.

  1. Go For a Walk – Remember that this exam is emotionally and physically very demanding. To make sure that you are in a fresh state of mind and to be able to give your best effort it is important to go to a park and take a brisk walk. It is completely your choice if you wish to dance, work out or go for a jog. Just make sure that you are involved in physical activity regularly.
  1. Meditation –  It is known to be the most effective way to calm yourself. Every day for 5 minutes you should go out in fresh air and empty your wind from all the thoughts and not worry about the preparation that you have been making. This helps you find a clear vision and stay more focused and positive throughout the day. Remember a healthy mind can complete a task more effectively and in lesser time. So make sure you are mentally positive and meditate daily.
  1. Challenge For Self – In the end, it is important that you enjoy your preparation. I know it sounds weird because it is going to be very hectic and challenging, but when you enjoy the process and set yourself daily targets to achieve, you get into a league of your own. If you can challenge and beat yourself daily, you can be satisfied that you have given your best shot. Life doesn’t end on one exam, and it can’t decide your fate. So, enjoy the process and stay true to yourself.

Before the last day of your exam, sleep with a light heart and a smile on your face. Spend time with your near ones and feel the positive energy inside you. Eat well and sleep on time. Wake up, meditate and get ready to beat yourself in one last challenge of your preparation. After doing so much preparation there is no need to study anything on the exam day. Leave all your thoughts outside the examination hall and start your exam with a smile. Give it your best shot. Remember you have a second attempt to appear in.