Marketing Concept: Fulfilling Consumers, Building Market Profitability

Account based marketing

Marketing is a term that most people are familiar with. However, many people are not very clear about what marketing is. In fact, even among business professionals, there is a lot of confusion about what marketing really is. Here is a definition of marketing that provides some of the essential definitions.

Defining Marketing

Marketing refers to the act by which an organization undertakes to interact with its target market, develop strategic relationships with other businesses, and form value-based requests to gain reward in exchange for investing resources. In simple terms, marketing is a process of creating awareness, creating customer loyalty, increasing sales, and maximizing company visibility. A successful marketing management strategy will achieve all these objectives and more. For example, a company may buy TikTok likes for content that promotes their services, but they should also take into account different aspects such as targeting the consumer, and niche marketing.. This article looks at four important aspects of effective marketing and considers how they relate to the overall success of a marketing program.

Basic Concept

The first aspect of marketing is to understand the basic concepts that underlie this process. There are three major components of marketing: product development, selling to customers, and coordinated marketing. Product development involves coming up with new or innovative products that solve a problem. Selling to customers involves gathering sufficient information so that customers can make a decision as to whether to purchase a product or service. Coordinated marketing takes marketing activities together, including research, development of media campaigns, and customer satisfaction surveys.

Techniques Of Selling

This aspect of  marketing management is to develop a set of selling tools or techniques to be used in each of the four phases mentioned above. Advertising is one such tool and it has the primary function of drawing attention to a product or service. Many marketing concepts rely on advertising, for example, television advertisements and the placement of “sponsored” or “partnered” ads in news programs and newspapers.

Marketing Research

Research is an important complement to selling. Marketing research seeks to understand consumer buying behavior. It also studies the psychology of purchasing decisions. Finally, market research encompasses a variety of other approaches to marketing activities such as distribution, price, promotions, and publicity.


The financing aspect includes the development of a marketing plan and financial arrangements for the execution of its goals. This includes loans, leases, and other forms of capital. Finally, the third aspect of marketing management deals with raising and managing the resources needed to carry out the overall strategy.

Activities Of Marketing

Marketing is a concept that encompasses a broad range of activities. Marketing research helps to determine what is currently selling and what is not selling. It also determines which marketing concept is best suited for each particular product or service. As a result, marketing management helps to shape the field of selling in a manner that is most productive and attractive to consumers.

The marketing concept of value is at the heart of any good concept of marketing. For example, the product concept is anchored in the value of the product. Consumers are always looking for more value for their money. Therefore, a business must establish and build a reputation for providing consumers with the best value. Furthermore, the value concept must be coupled with an effective promotional program. Proper promotion will help to ensure that the product concept becomes established and becomes embedded in consumers’ minds.

For more help creating a strong brand known for satisfying customers, please see the resource below.

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Customer Needs Vs. A Company’s Marketing Concept

In marketing concepts, marketing research has found that customer needs often do not coincide with the marketing concept that a company is promoting. A good marketing concept will take into account the fact that different consumers have different buying patterns. For example, there are those who buy on the weekends, while others shop during the week. While one marketing concept may be appropriate for a certain consumer, it may not apply to another.

Influencer marketing involves knowing who your customers are. However, influencer marketing is often overlooked by many marketers. Businesses seldom take time to research who their customers are and what they want. Instead, they simply engage in marketing activities based on the recommendations of other marketers. The problem with influencer marketing is that marketers often make recommendations based on their own interests and preferences. Therefore, those companies who do take the time to learn about their consumers can learn from the experience of others and can use that experience to help them develop more beneficial influencer marketing strategies.


Overall, a business needs to choose a marketing concept that addresses three important elements: fulfilling consumers, aligning with industry standards, and creating a market that can be profitable. Each of these elements must be present for a balanced strategy to be effective. When a business uses an ineffective marketing concept or engages in an activity that fails to align with industry standards, they run the risk of losing their consumers, decreasing their overall profit, and even disappointing their own employees.