6 Ways to Validate Your Startup App Idea


Wondering ways to confirm the success of your mobile app? A mobile app is sure to succeed if you build it keeping in mind what the customer wants and what can be better than drawing ideas from your experiences? 

Many times, you must have wondered looking at something that there must be an app for it. Just like you, many others are thinking the same thing. So, you can easily pick from the ideas you create in a day. But the problem is how to put a filter on the best idea? Also, how to get an answer will the app serve the other? 

Here you will find six fantastic ways to validate your startup idea, so you get the best rate of return! However, if possible, try to carry independent testing to validate your idea for better interpretation. Now let’s discuss the ways in detail and their needs. 

Why precisely do you need app idea validation?

App idea validation gives you an insight into whether something is appropriate or valid to put your money, effort, or time into. It is challenging to judge an idea you have created yourself because it will always be great for you. 

So, we have some steps to validate it which can help you run a successful startup. App idea validation is necessary as it makes sure that your proposal is capable of delivering promising profits. 

Six processes that can validate your app idea

Validating is a long process that takes a lot of effort and time to deliver its result. So, let’s not waste any more minutes and hop to the process:

1. Directly contact your users

What can be better than talking to your targeted user yourself? But how will you know they are the ones you should contact? 

The first thing is you have to create a user persona for yourself. The benefit of this creation will also ripple down to several other development stages. 

Define your users, keeping in mind the app’s features that would be preferred by them and the layout that will help them. 

Once you have found the correct user type that will be happy with the service of your user, the next step is to think of ways that will be perfect for delivering the idea to them. 

Multiple ways of doing that are creating a survey of your app feature and sending it across to your prospective buyer to measure their ratings of your idea. The platforms that can help you connect to them are Quora, Reddit, Social media ads, etc. You can also reach them in the comment section of a blog. However, the main motto of this step should be to get answers to question like:

  • How significant is the problem your app is solving?
  • How often do your users face those issues?
  • Is the solution so beneficial that your users are willing to pay for it?
  • Are they satisfied with the degree of help?
  • Identifying the size of your target market

Once you are done with your plan, it is essential to carry out a proper analysis to understand the extent of your market size. It will give you an idea of how much time it will take for you to start earning profit. 

It is a wrong thought that since you are a startup, you can’t earn profits; profit is necessary for survival. So, to know the potential of your profitability or loss of your idea, research the market. 

2. Browse app on the app store

It is tough to find your immediate competitors who work under the exact cause or features. However, it will be accessible when you search among the millions of apps in the Play Store and Apple store. 

Filter the suggestion by searching apps for the concerns you are going to solve with your app. Now tap the featured apps in the section to browse through their features that make it top. 

3. Test run the performance by uploading rough drafted site on review websites

There are many review sites like ProductHunt and AngelList where you can submit your ideas for views. You can find their feedback like what other entrepreneurs and business enthusiasts think of the app. 

Moreover, another good thing about these sites is they allow you to open new pages where you can feed in your product’s description and features that will be benefiting the audience. 

3. Keyword research

This process will tell you whether audiences are talking about the service you are offering and whether they need help. Not only this, but the keyword research step will also help you identify the right audience and give an idea of how large is the market base by noticing search volume. 

The keyword app that will help you in the process includes Moz keyword and Google Adwords. So, first, select the phrases and words that relate to your app concept or how you think people will search your app. When you click on analyze, a list of search volume will appear that will give you a clear insight into whether your app idea is good or not. 

4. Creating landing page

Create a landing page to identify or connect with those who you met, or you will follow as a form of record. It will help you pass the idea to the people you have contacted earlier or people you intend to reach out for attention. 

Tracking can be made easy by building a link between your landing page with Google Analytics or MixPanel. Remember to shorten the link using URLbuilder or Bitly to track how many times it was clicked. 

Moreover, the things that your landing page should contain include:

  • Screenshots/mockups
  • App description
  • Email subscription form


The above are the best and the most result-creating ways to make sure your startup idea will stand out. This will help you correct the mistakes you are making before it’s too late. However, in the end, it is the uniqueness that will offer you heights in business. So start researching now and polish your final product for the best performance.