5 Ways Artificial Intelligence Revolutionizing the Nightclub Experience


If we talk about the old times, our night clubs were not so updated. People had to wait so long to have a fresh glass of their favorite drink in their hands. But today, if any nightclub makes people wait so long for a drink, people will refuse to visit such a club again. Night clubs are constructed to quench the thirst of party animals. If it fails to do its job then there is no use of such a type of nightclub. Today people don’t have time and patience to wait for their turn. They can pay higher for better services but can’t get settled with cheap facilities and arrangements.

Well, today is the era of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has benefited every sector. There is not a single industry that doesn’t want to take advantage of artificial intelligence. Highly renowned companies such as Google and Apple have also made great profits through artificial intelligence. These companies want to keep this artificial intelligence support system in their business for the future also.

There is a great contribution to artificial intelligence is changing the format of nightclubs. This intelligence is helping nightclubs owners along with their valuable customers. The visitors are also getting facilitated with huge convenience by this intelligence. You may visit the link https://www.pvnightlife.com/ for the clubs which are updated with artificial intelligence. Customers may enjoy a smooth service of bars with the help of artificial intelligence. See below mentioned five ways in which artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the nightclubs experience:

  1. Convenience to order from your table: This is the first and the topmost advantage of artificial intelligence. If you are in a high-class club such as La Santa, you cannot stop yourself from enjoying devilish fun. So can you imagine a crowd enjoying under 150-decibel music, and you are calling a waitress, can she hear you? Of Course not. If you will wave your hands to grab her attention then also she may not come to you by thinking that you are dancing. Leaving your table to find the waitress by crossing the crowd is quite annoying. Here artificial intelligence works very well to reduce all this inconvenience and gives them a great experience. Just a single tap on the smartphone screen connects you with an app that directly connects you to the list of options related to your bar requirements.  Now you can order from your table effortlessly. No need to leave your seat and stuck in the crowd to reach out to a particular waitress. The time of delivery after the order is also being noticed by the app. So waiting for your drink will not irritate you.

2. No extra payment requirements: The people who often visit clubs or bars, they know how hard it is to take the attention of the bartender. There are lots of people and they have to fill the glass of everyone. In such a crowd they don’t have any idea about who got the drink and who is waiting for so long. Many of us pay several extra dollars to take the attention of the bartender. Still, you may not get the exact flavor of wine or you may get wine at the palace of vodka. This affects your budget and doesn’t look nice because you already paid for the service and still you are spending too much. So artificial intelligence again helps in this concern. The first benefit is the duration control. The moment you tap to place your order on your smartphone it notices the time till order delivery. Late in order delivery may cause a big fine to the responsible waiter or the waitress. So things automatically go in a systematic way without any extra spending and long waiting.

3. Exact order delivery: The high-class night clubs like La Santa, Mandala, Strana, and more are providing the comfort of artificial intelligence to their customers. A person in a bar can not assure that the waitress heard exactly the same thing he has ordered. But now with the artificial intelligence when you tab on the whiskey option then the app shows several available options with other required details. That makes it easier for the customers to order according to their taste and budget.  App accepts the order for the available drinks only so there’s no chance that you will receive something else at the place of your order. So the people inside the bar are now capable of enjoying a much more comfortable and enjoyable experience due to artificial intelligence.

4. Easy and effective promotions: Apart from the benefits to the customers, artificial intelligence is also supporting bar owners to earn benefits. The new offers, latest brand, or many other plans automatically appear on the screen to attract the customer while they order. This app senses their taste and area of interest and then lets them introduce the available orders on a similar product. This is the cheapest, fastest and most effective way to promote drinks and packages. This helps customers also by getting proper details on the best offers that they can avail instantly.

5. Added benefits: The best part of artificial intelligence is that there are some value-added benefits that give a luxurious experience to the people who visit in nightclubs. One of those benefits the most admirable one benefit is the car at the valet. We all understand very well how irritating it is to stay in a long queue to wait for your car after taking unlimited favorite drinks. But artificial intelligence again makes you feel like a king as after you are done with your thirst and rest of the enjoyment, you can send a request to have your car. Now you can take your car without suffering from the harassment.

The artificial intelligence, especially in clubs and bars, serves you a royal feeling which you as a classy night club customer deserve. So next time you visit any night club with the intention to get a royal type treatment than don’t forget to ask for artificial intelligence assistance.