5 Tips to Protect your Online Business from Hackers


If you are running an online business, your digital properties including your websites, mobile apps, social handles, and emails are the backbone of your business enterprise. Being an entrepreneur you need to make sure that your data is protected from hackers and your digital properties are running smoothly.

Over the year internet security protocols have become much stricter than what they used to be in earlier days.  Unfortunately, hackers and cybercriminals have also grown to become smarter and have developed hundreds of new tactics that can even breach efficient systems.

Even large corporate and government agencies have not been able to keep their websites secure from such attacks. Data loss and data leakage is still a big issue for many business organizations. According to a study published by Accenture, an increase of 27% has been seen in an annual number of cyber breaches in 2017 and growing. Under such circumstances, many organization loss their business and many shut down due to data loss. If you are running an online business then we have a few tips that can help you to protect your digital property from cyber attacks.

Fraud Protection: A credit card fraud associated with your business could lead you to a nightmare. It becomes very difficult for you to detect fraudulent credit card transactions as these crooks use different methods of payment frauds. Luckily there are a number of payment fraud protection tools which can help you to prevent suspicious payment activities like mismatched payment information, repeated orders from the same customers using different credit cards.

Protect your Website’s SEO: If you are running a website based business where most of the revenue and customer engagement drives from your website then you must be aware of the importance of SEO. If your website gets hacked, Google will flag it for malware and if this persists for more than 48 hours, Google may penalize or delist your website from indexing. It’s better to protect your website and keeping an updated backup.

Multi-Layer Security: Once you lose control over your website’s control panel, it becomes very difficult for you to gain access again on your website. It’s better to implement SSL certificate and use alphanumeric passwords to avoid passwords hijacking. We do recommend SSL2BUY because we use their service. Visit their website to know more about SSL certificate implementation.

Automated Updates: Never miss to enable automated updates on your software and online services you are using to avoid future attacks. As hackers keep eye on most popular updates and patches their developer release time to time. Once you avoid updating your software you will become an easy prey to attackers. Always use genuine and licensed software and keep them in auto update mode so you stay updated.

Disable AutoFill on your Website:

According to an article published by TechRepublic, a flaw in LinkedIn’s AutoFill button could have allowed an attacker to steal profile data by creating an invisible AutoFill iframe that takes up an entire page, forcing a user to submit data by clicking anywhere.