5 Things to do before investing in data storage solutions for your business


Don’t rush out and buy new data storage towers without reading this article!

Businesses all over the globe are in constant need of space to store client records… but there are vital considerations to make before you invest. Security is one of the main things to think about, but size and performance capabilities are arguably more important. Lastly, price comes into every business decision you will ever make.

We are here to point out the five important things you should do before you go out and buy that data storage solution. Now let’s take a closer look…

What 5 Things Should You Do Before Buying Data Storage for Your Business?

Before you hit the data markets; let’s talk investments. Our first point starts with affordability…

Consider Refurbished.

When you invest in something like a used Hitachi storage unit, you get all the benefits of the software without the initial high price tag. It’s still going to cost you money, but it will be a massive drop compared to brand new equipment. This method can save start up costs for any business struggling to pay for storage solutions.

Refurbished equipment often performs better than the original product. This is because they tend to use newer software than had been invented when the product was first released. Essentially, you are buying a better piece of technology for less of the price… and that’s a tip you can literally take to the bank.


When it comes to data storage solution – size is important. If you are buying for a multi-national conglomerate, then we would suggest that no size is big enough… If you need a secure storage space for patient records, offline, then we would suggest that you scale that same storage solution down to size. A small practice might manage with a few GB.

To get an idea of how much storage space you need, see this article, by Make Tech Easier. We would advise that the more space you have in your storage array, the better.

Performance speed

As with every other aspect of your business, the faster something works, the more your output. Higher output means better productivity. In this way, a bad, old, or slow storage solution is actually costing you money.

Don’t accept any less than high speed technology, regardless of size or cost. The higher the speed, the more money it is costing you. Make sure that any storage solution you settle on has easily retrievable or searchable information, too. This saves time on the other end, when sorting through the storage.


Which brings us to our next point… if your storage array is hard to use, your staff will need training. Special training requires funds, and funds come out of your profits. Keep your storage array as simple as possible and it will be easy to use. This saves training and expenses in the long run.


Do you want online or offline storage? If using something like EMC can it connect to the Cloud? Is it for offline purposes only? Remember; if it is offline it is much harder to hack… but ultimately the choice is yours. Offline, on-site data is more secure… until there is a fire or burglary at your location. Actually, tech geniuses recommend you save it online, and in two separate offline locations for maximum data security.

Small businesses that can’t afford such things? Invest in good antivirus and encrypt your sensitive data. That could be all you need to make a hacker try elsewhere and sometimes that’s enough.