Hack to improve SERP CTR

Improve your SERP CTR with this simple hack

Are you tired of not being able to improve your CTR rate on Google’s SERP? Don’t worry. I have found a hack which can boost your CTR rate overnight. Follow the following steps and do let me know if you get any significant gain in your SERP CTR rate.

What the F*ck, this hack is?

The answer is that it’s not rocket science. While doing my research, I found that Google entertains Unicode Characters, which give you stylised characters on SERP results. By applying Unicode on your website, especially to the meta title, you can bold your SERP listing.

What are Unicode Characters?

Unicode characters are a set of characters used in computing that provide a unique number for every character, no matter what the platform, program, or language is. This standard includes characters from the world’s different writing systems, punctuation marks, technical symbols, and other characters used in written text. Unicode aims to replace existing character encoding schemes with its universal character set, which is much more comprehensive and supports a vast array of languages and symbols. This makes it incredibly useful for global software development and data sharing.

Read to deploy code

<title class="dhote-seo">Surendra Dhote - Technical SEO Manager @ Builder.ai</title>
<script>document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){function toBoldUnicode(str){const 
    boldMap={A:'𝗔',B:'𝗕',C:'𝗖',D:'𝗗',E:'𝗘',F:'𝗙',G:'𝗚',H:'𝗛',I:'𝗜',J:'𝗝',K:'𝗞',L:'𝗟',M:'𝗠',N:'𝗡',O:'𝗢',P:'𝗣',Q:'𝗤',R:'𝗥',S:'𝗦',T:'𝗧',U:'𝗨',V:'𝗩',W:'𝗪',X:'𝗫',Y:'𝗬',Z:'𝗭',a:'𝗮',b:'𝗯',c:'𝗰',d:'𝗱',e:'𝗲',f:'𝗳',g:'𝗴',h:'𝗵',i:'𝗶',j:'𝗷',k:'𝗸',l:'𝗹',m:'𝗺',n:'𝗻',o:'𝗼',p:'𝗽',q:'𝗾',r:'𝗿',s:'𝘀',t:'𝘁',u:'𝘂',v:'𝘃',w:'𝘄',x:'𝘅',y:'𝘆',z:'𝘇',0:'𝟬',1 𝟭',2:'𝟮',3:'𝟯',4:'𝟰',5:'𝟱',6:'𝟲',7:'𝟳',8:'𝟴',
    9:'𝟵',};return str.split('').map(char=>boldMap[char]||char).join('')}
    var titleElement2=document.querySelector('.dhote-seo');var 

Instruction to do it

  • Past the JS code in your website header.
  • rename the class in the code and update the same in your Title tag as illustrated in the code.
  • Test it on the browser and you can see your title is coming in bold on your browser itself.

Raw code attached