Roboresponse, An AI Powered Auto Email Responder is Ready to Disrupt the Market – Johnsy George

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Johnsy George is Co-founder and CEO of Roboresponse. Roboresponse is AI-powered auto email responder for business enterprises. Our editor at Proche, spoke today with Johnsy George about his startup and future expansion plan.

More the response time, lesser the conversion rate this is what CEO of Roboresponse has to say. Johnsy George is trying to solve the problem of salespeople from their AI-powered SaaS platform responds to email in a jiffy without human assistance.

Let’s read on how Johnsy George tackles these challenges.

Proche: Tell me about Roboresponse – what is it and how it will help a marketer?

Johnsy George: For organizations worldwide, there are many communication channels available to engage potential customers. However, email is still the most preferred channel. It is often difficult to engage potential customers in an email discussion if customer email inquiries happen outside the business hours or the sales team is too occupied to reply to emails. The chances of converting a lead to an account increasingly diminish with time. The more the response time, the lesser the chances of conversion.

Roboresponse is precisely addressing the problem of automating sales email responses so that the lead conversion can happen within the fastest possible time. Our AI-powered SaaS platform responds to email in a jiffy without human assistance and thus optimizes the sales team’s bandwidth, which can be utilized for more productive activities within an organization.

Proche: You mentioned AI – How Ai is powering this tool and why you think it will create its space in the industry?

Johnsy George: While AI is becoming a common buzzword these days, let me be honest in saying that it is at the core of our SaaS product and not at the periphery. Without AI, our product doesn’t have any existence. Our product is unique in its offering in more ways than one.

Johnsy George CEO Roboresponse

Email response automation has always been challenging, one of the many reasons why there aren’t too many email bots available in the market. The most difficult part is understanding the intent and the context of the incoming email. While most Chatbots and AI solutions out there don’t maintain the context of the communication, we cannot get away with that.

We have designed our proprietary Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithm which is extremely good at understanding the intent and context of a written communication.

It is interesting to know that while platforms like Google and LinkedIn have been automating responses in the recent past, they mostly offer one sentence responses. This is because they are trying to solve a bigger problem and have been focusing on automatically responding to all types of communication. Whereas, our focus is very narrow, but in-depth, and is targeted towards automating sales-related communications.

While there are too many email marketing automation solution providers, the number is limited when it comes to sales email response automation service providers. We, therefore, intend to be a leader in this space in the coming years.

Proche: What are some of the new ideas you would implement in this tool in the future development?

Johnsy George: Email response automation is just the beginning. Going forward, we intend to create an integrated communication environment for customer interactions, which can be driven with limited or no human interaction. Be it CRM, Chatbot or any other customer interaction medium, we would like to present wherever customer interaction happens. Most importantly, we intend to focus on maintaining the context of the discussion across these communication mediums, which will help organizations close the deals in the fastest possible time.

Proche: Would you like to disclose about your funding and future plan?

Johnsy George: As of now, we are bootstrapped. We are open to the idea of getting external investment going forward as it will expedite the execution process. We do have plans to expand our sales and engineering team in the near future.

Proche: As a person how would you describe yourself and how are you contributing to the team?

Johnsy George: I’m the Co-Founder & CEO of Roboresponse. I have more than two decades of experience in business and technology, out of which for more than a decade, I managed to survive and succeed as an entrepreneur.

I personally believe that Artificial intelligence is at a nascent stage. While the world is engaged in the debate of its pros and cons, I and my team at Roboresponse thought of focusing on the positive side of this debate and started with an idea of creating business productivity tools. Today, we are at a stage where we feel, we have barely touched the surface.

While AI as a subject will be researched for years to come, the byproducts of this ongoing research will result in many useful products and services, which will take mankind to the next level.

We understand that we have to walk quite a distance in order to achieve something significant in AI. For now, we are focused on this journey and enjoying the same.