Essential tech tools for implementing telehealth programs


An ever-increasing number of people are leveraging telehealth services and they don’t seem to mind it. Telehealth became sought-after at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, enjoying widespread adoption amongst healthcare practitioners and patients alike. Owing to recent changes in policy, there are no more barriers to access to healthcare, but a few technical concerns remain. Using technology to deliver health brings about several advantages, including but not limited to comfort and convenience, better assessment, and control of infectious diseases. Experienced professionals can build successful telehealth programs; it’s just that they have to make an effort. Contrary to popular opinion, telehealth isn’t a disruptive technology. It should be viewed only in a positive light.

It goes without saying that technology is at the core of telehealth. It makes it possible to store, share, or analyze information. Telehealth encompasses a series of technologies within IT to provide clinical care, health information, and health education. The question now is: What technology tools are paramount for implementing telehealth programs? Well, let’s find out, shall we?

A secure Internet connection

The increasing use of technologies, such as computers and the Internet is shaping telehealth health. Broadband technology, in particular, has a considerable impact owing to its widespread availability. The Internet plays an important role in altering the balance between health care providers and the public, enabling patients to get actively involved in the decision-making process. Lack of connectivity can hinder the implementation and expansion of telehealth programs. It’s wrongfully assumed that the larger the bandwidth, the better the Internet connection. Telehealth programs require a minimum of 1.5 Mbps in terms of upload/download speed for correctly displaying audio and video data. Having high-speed internet is ideal, but not necessary. What matters is having digital skills to use those apps.

Attention needs to be paid to the fact that newer and more advanced telehealth apps require faster speeds. This can turn out to be a problem when dealing with people from rural areas, who only have the necessary speeds to get by. State officials have to push for the expansion of high-speed internet. The technology requirements for telehealth range from basic to complex depending on the decisions made by the physician or organization. Network security is essential for protecting the data and maintaining online activity private. In this respect, it’s recommended to deploy strong passwords and update the routers on a regular basis. Equally important is to use a firewall, which blocks traffic based on a set of security rules.

Custom-configured hardware & peripherals

Telehealth consultations are realized with the help of devices such as carts, desktop/laptop computers, and tablets. In case you didn’t already know, carts are systems encompassing cameras, displays, and network access. It’s basically an apparatus that accommodates videoconferencing technologies that can be used for clinical and educational purposes. Health care providers can view live images and store pictures that they can send forward to specialists in the field, if necessary, of course. The carts can be customized to the requirements of each professional. It’s pointless to talk about computers and tablets because they’re commonplace in the medical profession. You should offer demonstration to staff and other caregivers.

No matter what hardware decisions you make, it’s paramount to secure support for running the program. To be more precise, qualified computer and technical support iskey to run a telehealth program. It can be virtual or in person, which largely depends on the resources. You’ll have much-needed help in dealing with technical errors that might occur and interrupt patient care. Telehealth healthcare providers integrate various peripherals to message and instruct patients directly. Telehealth toolkits and mobile carts are commonly integrated with the existing systems. Peripheral selection depends mainly on the needs of the population served and the goals of the program. Additionally, it’s necessary to take into account placement and secure storage when addressing your needs.

Software specifically developed for telehealth

By software, it’s understood the platform used for connecting with patients, alongside sharing video and images. Online platforms are developed by several companies and, needless to say, they can be adjusted to meet the needs of the telehealth provider. People don’t have to travel for an appointment and there’s no waiting period. Most importantly, more affordable care is offered. Advancements in IT and mobile technology translate into the fact that telehealth software platforms are more accessible. They can be offered as standalone platforms or part of medical practice management software. Selecting a telehealth software provider is no easy task. It’s important to consider security and compliance, ongoing support, and the ease of use for patients, among other things.

A powerful solution has rich functionality. As a telehealth healthcare provider, you’re able to make the best of e-prescribing, appointment reminders, video conferencing, patient line management, and so on. Online platforms can be web-based and cloud-based. In terms of competitive advantages, mention can be made of enhanced real-time patient care, proactive outreach initiatives, and cost-efficiency. It’s a good idea to ask some of the patients to try the technology to make sure it’s appropriate. Finding the right solution for your practice can be daunting, so it’s necessary to have patience. There is a list of must-have features to be aware of, such as multiple provider pricing options, consultation allowed by phone, and integration of USB and other biometric devices.

Final considerations

An effective telehealth program enables doctors to evaluate patients’ situations at any given time, which means they can provide the best possible care and/or suggestions. Before embarking on the implementation journey, it’s paramount to get a good understanding of the challenges and see what can be done to create efficiencies. Successful implementation of the telehealth program is essential for improving patient outcomes and ensuring financial stability. It takes a little bit of patience and flexibility, but it’s worthwhile. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that telehealth regulations vary from state to state. Make sure you’re complying with the state’s guidelines and be cautious when treating patients out of state. There may be issues with insurance reimbursement.