How Is 3D Immersive Learning Changing Corporate Training?

Immersive 3d learning

Over the past few years, 3D immersive learninghas helped surgeons, soldiers, and employees to advance their skills. Many Fortune 500s and medium-sized companies are now using 3D immersive learning to help their employees get better at their jobs. With technology dominating the lifestyle of millennials, it is not surprising that almost 41% prefer to communicate online. Let’s explore how a virtual reality platform can help you add better context and relevance to your employee training program.

Benefits of Using 3D Immersive Learning For Corporate Training!


Whether it is a virtual seminar, webinar, corporate event, or training module, 3D immersive learning is a sophisticated tool that offers you ample customization opportunities. You can design a 3D environment that facilitates innovation, simulates work challenges, and helps your employees learn through experience. Defense and aerospace industries can also create an interactive environment that eliminates risks. Furthermore, you can also include the organization’s branding and messaging elements. VR training can also help your employees adapt to changing working environments for better skill development.

Better Workforce Productivity

Corporate training has long followed the traditional e-learning path that includes learning materials and recorded videos. However, with the rise of remote working, companies are rethinking this approach. Thankfully, the advent of 3D immersive experiences can help you change that.

Since memory information gets retained better through emotional response, VR is ideal as it delivers an emotionally charged experience. Walmart, one of the biggest multinational retailers, has adopted a virtual reality platform to train its employees. Their pilot recorded 30% higher employee satisfaction with higher retention rates. With a virtual reality platform, you can also improve your workforce communication gaps required for skill development.

Enhanced Collaboration Opportunities

Remote learning can become more meaningful with 3D immersive learning than traditional online training. Communication lag and disengagement are common causes of dissatisfaction for employees. With 3D environments, your employees get space to collaborate and foster a better feedback experience. The advent of breakout rooms, private rooms, live chats, and more can help employees connect with mentors and peers to share ideas, work on assignments, gain knowledge, and share experiences.

Skill Assessment And Better Insights

One of the biggest benefits of virtual reality platforms is the wealth of data it generates. With 3D immersive learning, you can accurately track metrics when compared to e-learning. This includes user movements, task completion time, repeated errors, follow-up actions, and more. Armed with granular data and tracking metrics, you can get a wholesome picture of your workforce capabilities and helps you improve the training experience. This evaluation strategy can help you design a dynamic curriculum that encourages engagement and promotes skill development.

Practical Case Studies of 3D Immersive Learning in Corporates!

Preparing Miltary Personnel And Medical Professionals

Working in the military and medical industry exposes professionals to many high-risk environments. The benefit of using 3D immersive learning is that it is safe to make mistakes and learn from them. Immersive learning acts as an invaluable channel for team building and critical thinking.

Johnson & Johnson Institute partnered with Osso VR to improve the medical training of surgeons through VR. Furthermore, Schofield Barracks in Hawaii is also using VR training to provide virtual squad training.

The Results of Using VR Training Were:

  • Enhanced productivity
  • Improved teamwork and effective communication
  • Better speed of reaction
  • The attendees were exposed to numerous environments that helped them prepare for a variety of situations
  • Better adaptation to unpredictable surroundings

Retaining Employees Through Recruitment And Onboarding

Given today’s competitive job landscape, recruiters need new tools for an edge. Many companies opt for virtual reality platforms to showcase their company’s culture. Leading companies, such as AT&T, use VR to let students explore the company culture and learn about their job roles. On the other hand, Deutsche Bahn, a leading German train company, is also using virtual reality for recruitment. They help give potential employees an experience about their job role before they apply.

Benefits of Using VR for Recruitment!

  • Mirroring real-life experiences and allowing users to determine whether they are the right fit for the company.
  • Higher retention rates.
  • Candidates get a better understanding of their job roles.

Tradeshows And Product Demonstrations

3D immersive learning offers employees new ways to understand product offerings and ensure that they engage with customers. The employees will also interact with the product in a 3D environment to understand the product assembly, functionality, features, and more. Tradeshows and conferences also help employees to enhance their skills and network with experts in the industry.

DHL Express has a virtual reality platform to help the employees learn the principles of safe unit load device stacking. Ford is also training their employees to produce car mockups for improved designer workflow.

The Future of Corporate Training is Here!

3D immersive learning is gaining traction due to the rise of remote working and pushing companies to search for engaging tools to train their employees safely, effectively, and at scale. Finding a virtual reality platform that suits your organization’s needs can help you revamp your workforce development.