How to Find the Right Medicare Advantage Leads

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Medicare Advantage, referred to as Medicare Part C, is a revenue-generating product for aspiring insurance agents. And as Baby Boomers enter the senior citizen bracket, experts suggest the Medicare Advantage market will become twice the size in the next 40 years. Thus, Medicare Part C policies will remain a highly profitable instrument for insurance agencies.

But to make the best out of this attractive insurance product, you need to have access to potential Medicare Advantage leads looking for these policies. Top agencies offer advanced digital advertising services, with a specialization in paid search management. Here’s how these experts recommend finding the right leads interested in Medicare Advantage.

Create a Social Media Presence

Social media is one of the most competitive ways of staying in touch with your potential customers. And the fact that over 80% of Baby Boomers have Facebook accounts shows the seniors are an active community on social media.

Top professionals offer services for setting up and managing your social media accounts, including Facebook and LinkedIn. Ensure they maintain consistency in your content on the various social media platforms you wish to have a presence.

The experts will help generate material regularly that the leads will find helpful, including what Management Advantage covers, from dental, fitness to telehealth benefits.

Invest in Paid Ads

With many Medicare Advantage leads searching for information about the insurance policies online, you need to have your business rank higher in the search results.

Google ads that appear on the first page of search results are an excellent way to reach your target audiences, and the best part is you don’t require a big budget to get started.

Industry experts provide paid search services, which include Google and Microsoft Ads setup and management. They ensure the leads land on your paid ads, which you can monitor to track the ROI.

Invest in Video Marketing

Video marketing is an effective option to get the attention of the senior market.

Experts can guide you in creating short videos with relevant information, adhering to the prerequisites of each social media site. The videos don’t need to be too graphic and complex. You can even record your discussion about Medicare Part C enrollment statistics, such as how over 60 million people enrolled in Medicare last year.

When potential leads view your to-the-point videos with all the information they need about Medicare Advantage plans, they will become your customers.

Maintain High-quality Content on Your Site

A more long-term strategy for generating Medicare leads is to maintain high-quality content on your site. The reason being that a well-designed website can attract more visitors, trigger emails and other potential follow-up leads.

Experienced specialists can ensure your site speaks volumes about your offerings, such as your Medicare Advantage plans carry a $0 premium. Ensure the high-quality content creates trust among the site visitors and consistently generates organic leads.

Hiring A Digital Advertising Expert

While the top professionals offer paid search advertising services, they help you with lead management with their tracking tools and reporting dashboards. They also present alerts and lead automation features for improving your communication with the leads. Consult a reputable agency and discuss your Medicare Advantage lead generation aspirations. Rest assured, you will find the right leads with real sales opportunities, thus ensuring your agency transforms into a leader in the insurance market.