How Virtual Showrooms are helping Marketers & Business owners


The outbreak of Covid 19 has also triggered a transformation in the marketing & business world. In the midst of declining sales & shrinking operations, marketers are seeking innovative ways to support their marketing campaigns.

The famous saying “Necessity is the mother of invention” is manifesting all around. Businesses are looking beyond traditional mediums like physical showrooms & exhibitions to showcase products to their customers.

Brands &technology service providers are making all attempts to maximise the potential of online medium.One such unique solution which has emerged is the Virtual Showroom.

What is Virtual Showroom?

Virtual Showroomsaredigitally created 360° spaces which look & work like a Brands own showroom. Inside a Virtual Showroom, visitors can browse 3D product replicas, videos, virtual presenters, pdf files & also connect live with the showroom team – all this within an interesting environment which reflects the brand story.

There are several other key differences between a Virtual Showroom and a standard Website.

Why Virtual Showrooms after COVID?

It is commonly agreed that Covid is altering human behaviour forever. People will be more selective about travel & try to gather maximum information online. In such a scenario, a Virtual Showroom helps a brand stand out with a strong identity& communication strategy. Being an immersive & rich platform, the showroom helps to put forward information about products & services in a highly engaging&convincing way.

The overall impact of a dedicated virtual showroom on a potential customer will be far higher than a 2d website or video. The engagement created in a 360° environment gets undivided attention & influences the buyer in a positive & lasting way.

Some highlights of Virtual Showroom

Virtual showrooms come also with numerous benefits.

Simulating Reality

In an era when people will practice restrain in travelling, businesses have to find ways to be present in front of their customers eyes. The 3d representation of a virtual showroom achieves this by simulating reality. Additionally, this phy-gital depiction improves customers perception of trust & familiarity with the brand.

By providing suchlife like experiences on the screen, Virtual Showrooms provide an edge unmatched by other formats.

Brand impression

Virtual Showrooms are a totally new concept in 2021. They are extremely rich & appealing in terms of visual effects. A 3D showroom can be designed to reflect Brand personality &create a long lasting impression on the visitor. By being an early adaptor, Brands can leverage these qualities to outshine their competition & create a great impression on their audience.

Increase reach

Being a web-based solution, Virtual Showrooms are accessible 365x24x7 & from any corner of the world. VirtuLab provides you with customizable showroom options where your showroom is designed keeping in mind your brand, marketing objectives & target audience choice.

The high innovation quotient of this format gives you a talking point to reconnect with your audience at the global level, leading to increase of sales and brand awareness.

Check out the infographic for more benefits of Virtual Showroom

Which Businesses can use Virtual Showroom?

Virtually any business can utilize virtual showrooms.
Some of the most common industries that are benefiting:

  1. Engineering
  2. Textiles and Garments
  3. Jewelry& Handicrafts
  4. Consumer Goods
  5. ICT & IOT Services


All these benefits make it vital to establish a virtual showroom for businesses. You can check in with virtual showroom developers like VirtuLab who provide you with customizable options to create an ideal virtual showroom for your business.