8 Advanced Functions Of PDFBear That You Can Use For Your Online Class

PDF Bear

The world is now holding online classes due to the pandemic that affected millions of families. This newest education method requires various useful online tools to help students cope with the possible difficulties while everything is digital. 

When it comes to the latest tool online, it is worth mentioning how PDFBear gives both learners and teachers comfort and pleasure for their document-related concerns. PDFBear is a website-based tool that offers users various digital functions that can work for all sorts of platforms. Check these useful functions from PDFBear, which can aid you with online classes for free.

PDF To JPG Converter 

High definition output images are the absolute advantage you will get from using JPG formats. They are one of the most user-friendly documents for daily use—no wonder why users opt to convert their PDF files into JPGs.

If you are currently searching for the most excellent PDF to JPG converter tool online without requiring you to pay the full service, never hesitate to visit PDFBear’s site. PDFBear offers the utmost quality of service entirely free, giving users a PDF to JPG high quality output. You will only have to follow the necessary steps provided, and you are good to go. 

PDF To Word Converter

If your teachers send you several PDF files for daily class activities, convert them once through PDFBear’s PDF to Word converter tool. The tool allows you to convert multiple PDF files in just a few easy steps, and rest assured that it will be fast like a flash. 

After landing at the site, you’ll see a large blue box in the middle. To immediately upload the PDFs to the site’s server, press “Select Files.” Dragging PDF documents from your computer to the web is another option, and the conversion process starts after a few seconds.

PDF To Excel Converter

All services come in handy with PDFBear, including their PDF to Excel converter tool. You can use this when you need to make a report on short notice. The converter assures users of excellent quality of output. The whole process will take seconds, and there will be no affected quality while they are doing the procedure. This is a platform that can quickly turn all formats into a new form. PDFBear also offers a security lock function for your documents to keep them secure from potential risks online. 

PDF Merger

PDF Merger from PDFBear is one of the newest and convenient tools nowadays that you can find online. Are you having a hard time with all the files on your device? Try combining them so you can conveniently view them. This tool will require a few seconds to finish the whole procedure, and rest assured that you will have a better-combined document version.

Split PDF

Creating individual pages out of a single document becomes too comfortable with PDFBear’s split PDF tool. This particular function will efficiently extract selected pages from your chosen PDF in just a few easy steps. 

One of the most user-friendly features of the site tool is its ability to support several platforms without even any complications as long as you have a secure internet connection. You can completely follow procedures via Linux, Mac, and Windows.

Compress PDF Tool

PDFBear can also serve you well if you want to compress your PDFs to save some space. The tool can compress the document in the smallest size possible without affecting the quality of the file. The tool was designed in the cloud system, which means that you can use it anytime and anywhere you want to get your PDF documents combined. 

The basic compression choice will reduce your documents by up to 40%. In contrast, the pro version will compress PDF files by up to 75%. Both options ensure the safest and quickest compression technique, making the website more beneficial than other services online.

PDF Reader

PDF Reader allows you to preview your documents before editing or printing them. You can use this reader anytime you want via your desktop or smartphone. The tool will keep your data protected as it utilizes SSL encryption to ensure you have a secure environment when uploading the file.

Rotate PDF Tool

If you have several PDF documents that you need to rotate for an immediate report presentation, PDFBear’s rotate PDF tool handles the entire process in the quickest way possible. There are several factors why we need to rotate our documents at any position we like. Regardless of the purposes we have, PDFBear helps you complete the task, offering you the best service.

PDFBear is an all-in-one tool you’ll ever need! 

There are countless factors why you should opt for PDFBear in dealing with your paperless documents. Today, where everything is in digital format, and people are gradually becoming dependent on technology, the website’s services offer you countless benefits. Upload your school files and share your files now with them, and get yourself ready to be amazed by its excellent modern functions.