Easiest Guide On How To Edit A PDF File


Have you ever spent unnecessary time editing PDF files for your work? Pretty sure everyone who uses the format has had some issues one time or more; luckily, we’ll be discussing just how we might save some of your time and effort by simply following these very simple instructions to get some work done. You’re welcome, by the way.

Before proceeding, a quick background to what a PDF file is, it stands for what you call a portable document format, which is used for quickly transferring over essential documents. However, it can’t be modified, but it is a more natural way to share documents that need to be printed. So without further adieu, let’s begin. 

There are a Number of Tools You Can Use

Regardless if you are using a Windows or Mac, it won’t be a problem given how to edit a PDF file. You can even do it online by using paid or free software and convert PDFs back to Microsoft Word documents to be able to edit the original content. If you want to know more ways on how to edit a PDF file, you are reading the right article.

Here are five ways you can edit a PDF using the first one in the selection, which is Adobe Acrobat — this is a fan favorite and is also an online editing tool available for both Windows and Mac.

Let’s begin with opening the app. Obviously, once that’s done, just go to the upper left portion of the app and click select “File” then “Open” and look for the PDF file you’re planning to edit. Moving on, the next step would be to look at the right-hand corner of the toolbar and select the option “Edit PDF”.

If ever you do need to edit some text in the PDF, you need to position your cursor on the text you would like to edit; then use the “Format” option still located at the top-right toolbar. For images, click on the image, go ahead and use the “Objects” option just below the text option.

Next Tool Can Be Found Online

As mentioned earlier, there are several PDF formatting tools found online that are free and easy to use. You only need to choose the best one you prefer or what users recommend. The choice is yours, and they all share the same purpose, which is to edit PDFs for you to use quickly.

For this instance, let’s go with Sejda. It’s one of the most popular online PDF formatting tools and is very easy to use. It also comes with a majority of positive reviews from its users, which is an added plus if you were to base its utility on that. Let’s begin.

Once opening Sejda, drag or upload the PDF file you would want to edit into the website’s homepage and wait for the document to appear. Once that’s over with, the toolbar will be your next step into knowing what you want to do with your PDF. 

That’s where you can select if you want to edit, modify, or make some changes with your PDF file to your needs. For editing texts, select “Text” from the toolbar mentioned earlier and place your cursor to where you want to edit, the same goes for pictures. 

It is pretty straightforward to use, and you’ll get the hang of it in no time; so if you like Sejda, don’t forget to bookmark it on your browser and make sure it’s easily accessible at all times when you need to get work done.


With those simple guides for you to follow, you will be a PDF whiz in no time! Just remember it’s all about preference, stick to what you want, but don’t forget to try out other PDF formatting tools to edit, convert and compress pdf files outside of your comfort zone. You might find something you like better, and it’s all because you chose to look for something else.

Say goodbye to the annoyance of asking for help regarding PDF to your office mates with the risk of making you sound lacking in the brain department. But, be the hero of the office by quickly passing and sending in reports that are needed ASAP. You’re welcome; now go forth and spread the good news!