7 SEO Tactics That Move the Needle

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SEO is always a controversial topic, even though it’s a vital part of online success. Over the years, many theories about how to achieve high rankings have circulated. The trouble with the majority of them is that they employed tactics outside of the Google guidelines.

That’s a problem because Google is not afraid to punish the pages of any organization they feel is abusing their SERPs. When they do, it means a crushing loss of traffic that is costly. Why not focus on solid search engine optimization instead?

Proper Keyword Research Remains a Foundation

Excellent SEO starts with proper keyword research. There’s no possible way to get effective results without targeting the precise terms that bring the most traffic.

When selecting keywords, it’s vital to consider intent. If the buyer is only looking for information, they’re probably not that close to making a purchase. However, if they start adding qualifiers like “price” or “compare,” you know they’re actively researching and are near making their decision.

Keyword research also involves looking at competition and search volume.

If competition is too high or the search volume too low, it’s probably a term that’s worth fighting for overall.

Top Content Still Earns Backlinks

Some people who are doing SEO look for backlinks directly. Others focus on creating web content of the highest quality levels. They put their investment of time and cash into their web pages and figure that authoritative sources will link to them.

Both of the processes are valid. However, Google has always been touch about “getting backlinks,” so their suggestion remains to do it the second way. They counsel webmasters to focus on making extraordinary pages and not on purchasing or somehow acquiring links.

White Hat Backlinking Still Has Power

Guest posting and outreach are still a few ways people build links. The process involves reaching out to other websites to get links. Guest posting means trading an authoritative article to a busy site in exchange for traffic and the bio box links.

The way many experts judge useful links these days is by whether they send traffic or not. Getting a backlink on a dead page on a forgotten blog doesn’t possess any inherent value, they argue. That’s why guest posting should be about finding niche-related, highly-trafficked blogs. They have enough visitors to help with branding and exposure.

Outreach is the process of finding blogs or pages with broken links. Then the SEO sends a contact message that tells the site their page is missing a resource. They also ask for their page to be the replacement. When this tactic works, it gives an immediate boost to the broken page and the linked site.

Either tactic is valid, and some SEOs will decide on using both. They are legitimate ways to increase the incoming links. Paying directly for related backlinks is no longer acceptable and could cause people serious issues. Google cracks down on links they deem “unnatural” on an ongoing basis. White hat tactics remain the norm for businesses looking for sustainable growth to avoid experiencing their wrath. Instead of hit and try, business owners should go with affordable SEO services.

Gain an Edge with Infrastructure

Google and the less-known search engines all love speed. They save money when your website loads faster and their users enjoy visits a lot more. They don’t want to spend time waiting around and will downgrade a page in their SERPs if loads slowly.

A fast-loading web server with AMP technology will speed up the page load and help increase rankings. AMP pages are stripped-down mobile pages that Google loves to show in the results.

Optimize for Speed and Mobile Responsiveness

Most people access the web on mobile phones now.

It’s not a surprise that Google favors pages that display correctly, no matter which mobile device the user selects.

Mobile-responsive pages with great SEO will tend to outperform less technically adept alternatives. Older sites do not generally have the capability of display AMP pages, so doing so gives your website an edge. Take the benefit and move ahead of rivals that aren’t willing to investing in upgrades.

Do Something Unique

Almost all content topics are covered and have been for years. It’s tougher than ever to create a unique page for the internet. However, that’s one of the few ways someone can gain backlinks and SEO cool points.

Breakthrough research is always a way to draw in support from outside sources. Webmasters are happy to link to well-research, comprehensive studies.

There’s no reason to create replicas of existing content. If you do, you’ll learn that it’s tougher than just taking a new angle on a new subject. Freshness will make a page stand out for a while. If it contains truly earth-shattering info, it will remain evergreen. There’s no question it’s a challenge to craft content pieces of this caliber, but it’s one way to ensure positive results.

Choose Patience to Build for the Long-Term

Black hat SEO remains popular with people who don’t have patience. They don’t care about building and sustaining a long-term sustainable website. They want to get as much money as fast as possible. If you’re looking to develop an income that lasts year after year, you can’t afford this impatient attitude.

Doing things the right way means it will take longer. Since you aren’t chasing shortcuts, you’ll be using long-term tactics. Those are less dramatic to employ and will not necessarily ratchet a page to the top. The Black Hat competitors will push backlinks to the page, hoping it will rise fast.

Many times it does, and your pages will languish. Nobody loves this feeling, but over time, they understand why patience works out. Eventually, Google will run an update that will wipe out the Black Hat pages. Those SEOs will start over again, and the process will continue. The long-term SEO will see their pages moving up, and the chance of a significant step back is not likely.

So don’t get down when you run behind for a while, especially for a new website. It’s only a simple matter of time until following proven principles will move your business site to the forefront.

About The Author:

Rodney Warner is the founder of the Los Angeles Web Design Agency Connective Web Design. You can find him on Instagram.