Teacher’s read- How to Build and Maintain a Positive Relationship with Students Online


If you are a teacher online and you use virtual classrooms as your medium of teaching, then this post is for you. We know you would have struggled a lot to maintain a healthy relationship with your students in a virtual classroom. Yes, this can be really difficult especially when you can’t see students on a physical basis and they are not obliged to stay in your classroom as per the strict rules of a physical one. However, it is possible to actually make your students love attending online classes and grasp more knowledge than that is possible in a physical one. For this, you have to know about the tips that would help you maintain a good relationship with your student and make learning an interesting process. Read on to know how to do so.

The maintenance centre is you

Do you know as a teacher online, you are the centre of attraction in your classroom? If your students love a certain topic and find it interesting, it is just because of how you present it to them. So, basically, you have to work on your manner of teaching certain things to your students. Of course, there are lots of secondary factors which add to the interest and enthusiasm of a student, but basically, if you present the chapter in a dramatic way and the students love listening and viewing you in the class, then nothing can stop them from attending your classes and finding them interesting.

Use a solid platform for teaching

As a teacher online, you are totally dependent on an educational app or teaching platform that you use for imparting knowledge to your students. Remember, this application should be very easy to use and swift in process. It shouldn’t be lagging while utilising it and the layout of the application should also be very attractive. This includes the graphics and incredible features of the teaching app. Remember, you have to also make it very secure so that your students feel safe in your classroom. Further, if this application helps the students find their answers and solutions and even your recorded lectures in the easiest way, then they are going to love attending your lectures.

Interaction in the class

If you want to build a healthy relationship with your students, use two-way interaction in the class. Don’t just speak on a one-sided basis and impart knowledge to your students, let them also speak their hearts out and be active in the classroom. Encourage them to discuss certain factors and create a debate on a topic and so on. You can ask for trivia and quizzes to enhance the learning process. Furthermore, let the students also point out the negative side of your teaching or something that they don’t find compatible in the class and try improving them as pointed out.

The ease of reaching you out anytime

The very base of maintaining a good relationship with your students is to be easy to reach whenever they need you.  Say, for instance, they have a doubt at 6:00 PM in the evening and your classes ended at 4:00 PM. Ensure that they have an SOS number or WhatsApp contact or they can contact you through the educational app so that they can clarify their doubts instantly. This will not only improve their results, but will also let them rely on you which will be a very positive sign for your good rapport with the students.