6 Financial Benefits Of Hiring Outsourced IT Support


For many organizations, their Information Technology (IT) infrastructure setting can be a tussle between the operational and finance teams. On one hand, the operations team may want more and better tech to improve service delivery. On the other hand, the finance team may feel it’s going beyond reasonable budget allocation. While each team may have the correct justifications, any compromise can hurt an organization’s revenue. However, there can be a way out which can satisfy both groups. 

As an organization, you can outsource your IT, allowing you to access an IT Company’s broader expertise. Various IT companies like Haber Group are available to ensure you find a balance between operational needs and your finance. 

This article highlights some of the financial benefits you can realize from outsourced IT support. 

1. Reduction In Initial Investment 

To get the entire infrastructure seamlessly run your technology needs, you must purchase hardware and necessary software. Furthermore, you may need to hire an extra workforce to carry out the physical installation of the hardware and others to ensure the correct installation of the software. All these mean your budgetary allocation from the beginning may hit the roof. Not to mention that some of the hardware or software may get rendered obsolete before elapse of their lifespan. 

With outsourced IT support, you can escape the need to make big purchases that can easily dig a hole in your bank account. This is because an IT company already has all infrastructure in place and you only need to inform on the service you require. This, therefore, reduces the cost you need to get a particular tech program up and running. 

2. Easy-To-Budget Monthly Costs 

As you enter into a binding contract with the IT company, the scope of support may vary from one month to another. However, you get to know the amount you need to allocate to your tech support docket throughout the contract period. This makes budget planning much easier as you know your approximate spending won’t change much over that period.  

When you know how much you will spend, you can allocate more financing to other areas in your organization. It also means you know what percentage in your budget needs to go to IT support. It’s different with in-house IT support, where any technical hitches can require emergency petty cash spending. 

3. Reduces Losses Due To Long Downtimes 

For any business operation, downtime translates to lost revenue. Sometimes, the in-house IT team may get a problem beyond its expertise and spend more time trying to figure it out. This can mean transactions or operations stall while other departments await solutions. The longer the downtime, the higher the loss. 

When you outsource your IT support, you get more expertise and experience. Therefore, it can be unlikely that a problem you encounter may be new to these experts. Thus, any downtime you may encounter can be very minimal. Additionally, these IT companies constantly monitor your network, enabling them to detect any unusual activity. This constant monitoring allows them to take necessary measures to prevent downtime for the end-user. 

4. Reduction In Labor Costs 

When all your IT is in-house, your IT staff requirement is more significant, meaning more salaries and benefits allocation. Additionally, if you have new software installations, you may need to pay for extra expertise. On the other hand, outsourced IT support companies can provide all the expertise you require within your contractual agreement. 

Furthermore, with outsourced IT support, you can keep a lean IT staffing only for the crucial technology needs of your organization. The IT company takes off this burden of hiring and training IT staff that inflates staffing costs. Not to mention the occasional seasonal hiring you may need to make. Overall, you can keep your spending on salaries and staff benefits low, potentially increasing your revenue percentage. 

5. Economy Of Scale Due To Controlled IT Costs 

With in-house IT, your IT can be fixed costs. However, outsourcing allows you to scale your needs up or down depending on your needs at a particular period. This scalability translates this cost to a variable one as you can drop some services along the way, thus reducing your spending. This can be particularly key during a growth phase where an initial application or service isn’t necessary for your next steps. 

6. Lower Maintenance Expenses 

Once you outsource IT support, you can watch on less tech equipment. For example, if you host a server within your premises, you need the power to run it, staff to monitor, and procure the suitable bandwidth. All these you can take out of your financial books by hiring an IT support company. You can, therefore, minimize what you need to pay for to keep your technical equipment running. 

Additionally, the IT company can help take care of licenses and updates necessary for the services you need.